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Group: Two Pairs
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Everything posted by HonGilDon

  1. Are there some restrictions on access to missions after the update (by country for example, etc..)? OR I have just technical problem? Because for now i see only jackpot mania and leaderboards in a gift box
  2. casinos games' labels at poker tables have become really larger - its awful)) and what about avtorebuy option? - is it still without in new version?(
  3. I've won 35euro value prize in yesterday's final, but haven't got prize yet. Will the tickets be credited later?
  4. have the same problem with the "lost" money after closing a few tables. Money wasn't received to the main balance.
  5. And the last one - 10e UO ticket - looks like really useless for most of players. Worst prizepool for monthly missions promo for last 2+ years, in my opinion of course.
  6. Does anyone know when prizes according leaderboard will be paid? or i've missed it already))
  7. see your balance at casino and keep calm)
  8. the same problem( how about tournaments which i was in...compensation...no?
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