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Everything posted by Devilfiiish

  1. Pleasure is all mine @RayL
  2. Might want to educqte this guy on usage of bingoname and common sense Mongo821 I suspect the policy for username is as important in the chat as it is in the poker client. Boom power to the people
  3. Tnx alot for the info, reassuring even. And a thousand thanks for not only the voucher but the TOP of he line customer service
  4. The primary indicator of a poker network is traffic. No matter how many promotions, software improvements or ambassadors, exists, if a poker room doesn't have traffic, it doesn't have anything Monthly promotions with bigger prize money, software improvements, b etter and more variated newcomers promotion and rakeback deals i think would move Unibet in the right direction towards making the TOP 5 list traffic vice. Having a good ambassadors team with local players promoting the network around the world is also something Unibet can do more/better. As well as using there social platforms to promote series that takes you on a journy from the screen to the live tables, is one ideea. Everyone loves a hartworming story, especialy when they can relate. So why dont make a "from rookie to pro" promo, where a series of wins of some special tournament Grant you a spot on a Unibet sponsor grooming team. That would be the hole pacage right there. Count me in for a pilot series btw @Stubbe-Unibet
  5. My weel was nearly full and ripe to release the next spin. I then used like 6€ and was starting to think the bonus froze or something. I then refresh the browser and the weel had gone backwords(according to my calculations by about 6€ wort of betting). Anyone else noticed anything similar? That the same people seems to be winning all the time i can write off as it is what it is, water under the bridge. But this incident is beond words
  6. Oh my!! Dident realize this was a "get a free bingo voucher" tread, niice. Cant seeme to find mine touhg https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.7e98708393f939d8112c68ac4d633888&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.giphy.com%2fmedia%2fiqfYgtx8oWw4o%2fgiphy.gif&ehk=4QZnd%2f19r37JzVlpX%2bQEkp9l33CRG0aqBxYHFe8wWI0%3d
  7. Nvm. Note to self, always ask Google first alwaysn
  8. Hi @RayUnibet, i think it was a small error due to the implementing of your new bingo room future. But got a message saying the game hade been canceled and the funds was tranfered back to my account. So No biggie, Just got back on the horse and got my self some new tickets dident win to but got some huge expectations for the upcoming week thouge
  9. Most times its pretty clear what or how you can get a pass for the these freerolls. But with this one Even i need to ask the question of how. It says good luck all.. Sooo did the password get lost in the mail ooor?
  10. Same goes for the Maria and bingo.com sites, so thinking the problem is not just exclusive to me
  11. Cant seeme to manage loading the bingo rooms in the browser. Not true the site, nor true campain referels.
  12. nothing epic, but as close as i have been to get ting A street flush in Unibet poker rom so far
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