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Group: Two Pairs
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Everything posted by jonny2192

  1. @jerry Join table with 5.01 if you win multitable and clear ticket fast, you lose 4.99 cash. Tickets from promos are meant to get action in that particular game, I dont even know why we were allowed to change them to bonus points in the first place.
  2. @psrquack remove my like and give to @penguin50 If he cant win at poker, the least he deserves is a like Joke of day. Whats the difference between a penguin and a duck. Penguins dont have a pilots licence so cant fly
  3. Joke of the day How many ducks does it take to win a freeroll? I dont know cos we all lost :(
  4. @Check_Norris passed your comment on to the group that discussed the changes, should be an answer at some stage.
  5. @psrquack Extensions will be sorted on a one to one basis I believe. Something like a UO50 you could change to 10s and then they would have the longer date on them. Sure more details will be forth coming from a Unibet member at some stage, early days yet and problems will get sorted as we go along.
  6. If you look in the mirroe you will now find you are a chicken instead of a duck. The magic of Unibet at its finest.
  7. Exchanger MTTs now made it into the lobby
  8. If we are doing a time travel film then I think "the quackinator" is a good idea, Punch line would be "I'll be quack" If we decided to go for the tv series route then it would be "the Sarah Connor Quackincles" Maybe a more fitting film for us lot though would be "One flew over the ducks nest" starring Quack Nicholson.
  9. You underestimate the power of ducks(also mine and the other personages in this post to talk crap) Did the duck not manage to draw you in and illicit a comment from you?
  10. @GR1ZZL3R Thats the nicest thing anyones ever said to us. Thanks. When Ray adds the quackmaster badge I will demand you get one.
  11. The quackmaster badge really needs adding to the community,please,please @RayL
  12. Joke of the day Why does psrquack tell jokes? To confuse everyone else. After much thought and deliberation, I have decided to upgrade us to thread of the year. I believe this will get all participants in this thread a bigger freeroll. in my roll as an official nobody I can confirm this freeroll is unlikely to happen but its prob worth joining in and talking crap just in case.
  13. @BBC @RayL Is working through all requests pre 16th and doing them. Sure he will get to yours soon.
  14. @FeelsBadMan is correct @ReCorpH won the 2016 gojonnygo best alias prize with duckitup, I would like to think this is the reason he got a job at Unibet aswell. :) @psrquack (just asked recorph and he confirmed was him)
  15. quote:- Re: Problem with frequent tournament cancellation @jonny2192 Oh no, NMPfan will be the new tournament manager? All players will be banned from the MTT's./html/images/emoticons/Asset5.png @psrquack please keep silly comments in this thread or you will be plucked :Rofl:
  16. I agree with you @psrquack it should be. I have had a dastardley plan by renaming the thread as above it is now thread of the month because i named it so, so we win. @FeelsBadMan I love your idea, could be 10k entrants and as we know people seem to struggle reading the rules only a few of us would get it right and actually win a prize. Come 5684th and win 1st place money lol Me and psrq are safe as both our community aliases use the duck avatar. :) @RayL All this rubbish talk has given me a fun idea for a freeroll MTT with a difference, how about a battle of the animals. You choose an alias to play a freeroll with duck/penguin/walrus etc and instead of cash for position you get points. The team with the most points gets the prize money split between them. Would make for some funny dynamics as it wouldnt be in your intrest to knock out a player with the same avatar.
  17. @jerry being a ticket nit myself, I understand you wanting to have a big roll first before trying the next step but TBH it will prob do us both good to try the bigger games more often. As long as you have a couple hundred in UO tixs it should be quite easy to never go bankrupt in UOs and take shots at 50s quite often.
  18. @jerry My understanding is any tickets that are not live event tickets cant be changed. The purpose of them is to stimulate the game they are awarded for. I agree for betting freeroll and maybe some other freerolls that bonus points would be better but the daily freerolls that pay out UO2s are there to get people to play the UO games and they should stay. My understanding is that a proper decision hasnt been made on how stuff like the betting freeroll/freeroll prizes will be dealt with yet.
  19. @jerry 1. @FeelsBadMan answered you with correct information a few posts ago, The mission tixs are meant to be played the purpose of them is to get people to try new games, not even sure how it came about you could change them because you never sed to be able to. 2. @DavidP_Unibet Has already said in exceptional circumstances tickets will be extended but it will be on a case by case basis but tbf 3 months is a long time and if you have a uo250 or UO50 nearing expiry then playing one of the UO exchange games will give you new tickets lasting another 3 months. Me and NMP were part of the meeting about tix exchanges changing and this information is how we understand it and hopefully is as acurate as possible till a Unibet rep has a chance to answer.
  20. There was one for UO Malta when I was on feature table "go jonny go freeroll" and i am sure was an extra prize for best duck alias. Also one where we wound up Davitsche after his bad experience with the wheel of doom.
  21. @WuDu Happy now, thread back on track. "ticket please" "whats the password" "how i enter"
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