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Posts posted by SkilfulPoker

  1. So having a little bit of poker grinding tongiht. 

    I still have six x 1 euro unibet open sat tickets in my account and I'm going to try to grind them into a 2k package for malta... 

    next satelite in 8 minuts, 2x4 euro tickets GTD, see you in it if you're playing!

    Also going to play a few 5man 1 euro sngs

    Just converted 400 points into 4x 1 euro sng tickets. 

    Played 4 sngs, won 1, and took 2 seconds, so got a little 6 bullet going for them now too!



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  2. Thanks those of you that dropped by!


    Session 1:

    P/L: -5.40 euros at 4nl

    +3 euros at Unibet Open Sat


    Bankroll: 38.67 cash

    UO Tickets: 1x 4 euro


    I think I'm going to just play when streaming for time being, as it stops me tilting :)


    Also going to figure out how to swap my 4 euro UO ticket into 4x1 euro tickets.

    Good time to be playing the 1 euro sats, with the UO sats part of the promotion this month!

  3. Session 3....
    Well had a losing session... lost like 2.5 stacks. One was just a little bit of tilt.
    Didn't spew the bankroll away though which was nice.

    I really don't know how you guys do it? When I lose stacks, I just feel so horrible playing online! I can just tolerate it live.
    I don't know what it is! The experience of having a losing session is so not cool... and the experience of having a winning session feels 'ok' at 4nl, but not exactly amazing...

    So I think I will stop again. If it isn't enjoyable why play!

    I'm a bit dissapointed because I really wanted to get good at online poker for years.
    But... instead I think I will just try to work hard off the table and get some money for some live poker, so this blog will mostly become a live blog in future.... plus updates about my community event entries... and the odd online MTT I enter. 

    I have been quite split personality in this blog so far lol. One minute playing the next not. But I think self awareness is important in life and poker.
    As much as I want to be a winning online cash player, I just don't seem to have the mental makeup for online poker grinding!

    But... on positive side... As I say I haven't done anything dumb with my bankroll. In fact I'm up 3 euros these past two days lol. 



    So... definiately curbing the degen in me. Next update when I'm heading to live casino in a bout a week or so I hope... to set some goals, and then hopefully report back that have managed to make some :Cash: :Thumbsup:




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  4. Managed to get my second 2 hour session in as planned... but was working all day! So didn't start it until 1:20am! , but managed to complete it. 

    I'm still finding it tough to deal with losing pots, really gotta get over that!

    But a decent session for 2 hours. 





    Saw 222 flops. Also won some bonus points in the unibet spinner. So currently have:




    380 bonus points. 

    Session was a winning one: 

    Session 2: P/L: 14.40

    So a little over 3 stacks. 


    Challenge Total P/L: 17.05



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  5. First session completed. 

    Was 3 stacks down about an hour into the session, but played through it. When I lose 3-4 stacks no matter what limit I'm playing I feel really uncomfortable! That's something I'm going to have to conquer on this journey to becoming a better online poker player. 

    Saw 2k flops that session, so seems I see about 1k flops an hour. 






    One thing I noticed is that 4nl, seems to have got quite a bit tougher than it was about 1.4 years ago on Unibet, seems less people willing to punt their stack off. 




    Session 1: P/L : + 2.65

    Next session tonight. 

    • Like 3
  6. OK! 

    So have decided to have another go at cash after all. But going to just play 4nl. Really pleased with the steps I took to protect my winnings the other day, and I used the profits without gambling it back, so that was a nice win!

    With poker truth of the matter is I've always been super super bad at discipline online. My mind just doesn't usually function like a good online poker player's mind does. I can play live when sober (but am a fish when drunk 🤣). Not sure what it is, the much slower pace? The fact you are surrounded by real people so can't tilt your stack away without making a fool of yourself. But it's a completely different experience. I always play 20x better live than online. 

    But... that doesn't change the fact, online poker has always been a nemesis for me, and that makes it all the more attractive to try and conquer. 

    This isn't really about making money at the moment. Every hour I spend playing poker even if I don't blow my bankroll away in 1 hour, is time i could spend in my job making money... but this is about conquering that elusive online poker success once and for all.... 

    So I'm starting at the bottom at 4nl. I'm going to give myself 30 stacks. To start I'm going to deposit 10 stacks. If they bust I'll deposit another 10, and then finally another 10. Providing I have played sensibly.

    The truth of the matter is... nothing comes without hard work in life. That's true on the table and off the table. Anyone that thinks they can deposit some bankroll even at 4nl, turn up and crush, is seriously deluded! It takes patience, discipline, a cool clear head, and above all, a decent approach to the game. 

    So that's what I'm going to try to develop over the coming weeks. 

    I saw this blog the other day, I was really humbled and inspired by it:


    Leha has such a great approach to the game, and look at how that bankroll steadily built up over the months. He now has over 2k bankroll, and still plays 2 euro mtt's! That is great discipline, and the kind of mindset I'd like to get into at some point. 

    Anyway enough talk. I'm going to try to play for 4 hours a day initially. 2 hours in the morning, and 2 in the day or night. 




    Great little motivational video - to get things started: 



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  7. ok well this little experiment didn't go exactly as planned...

    played some 25nl lost a stack.
    played the mtt... lost all in PF for 120bbs, with my KK vs 45o... so he calls a 4bet jam with 45o PF and then hits two pair niiice .... titled the hell out of me lol.

    placed another two tennis sports bets...

    1.98 odds and 1.34 odds....
    both won... Balance: 



    Genna quit while ahead 🆒


    No more 'cash game grinding' might play the odd mtt, if I find one I just want to play recreationally... 

    Other than that will just play community events, and live poker later in the month for now :)

    Also... just in case I change my mind tomorrow lol, and decide to try to donate some of my winnings back to Unibet


    No more sports betting for at least one month :haha:

    Also set a £120 deposit limit, in case I'm tempted to move up in stakes at poker, thanks to the windfall. 










    So all in all a pretty decent day profit wise thanks to Unibet today! :Thumbsup:

    +£520! :Cash:

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  8. OK Received withdrawal!
    In effort to curb the sports better in me, I'm going to try a different style of bankroll management.

    Before a session I'm going to deposit enough for the session. After the session I'm going to withdraw any profits. So I just keep enough for the next session in my balance.

    Now I'm going to play some 25nl 4 tabling, so will deposit 6x25nl stacks.
    I might also enter the 500 euro GTD Asteroid in 40 minutes which is a deep stack tournament (10 euro buyin).

    Will update after session let you know how it went. Win or lose, main focus is going to be on quality play.


    • Like 3
  9. Well... I saw 329 flops today and earned 375 challenge points. 



    Around about lunchtime I found myself looking on the Unibet Sports Betting site....

    Checked out the streaming and found a tennis match that was live...

    It was challenger, and Bega was a break up in the second set, 3-0 after having lost the first set 6-1. 

    The guy he was playing had a bye in the round before, and Bega had won his last match. 

    Unibet were offering 5.8 on the match betting.


    Seemed like decent value... So in I went for £80.

    Bega took the second set. 

    Then went a break up in the third...

    Got to a match winning opportunity, went 40-0 up...

    Then it went to 40-30....



    But Bega turned out to be anything but a Bega, and sealed the deal :Cool:


    A healthy boost to the 120 euro deposit :Haha:


    But... shouldn't really make a habbit of YOLO'ing my bankroll on sports betting 

    So have requested a withdrawal while I consider next steps :Ok::Thumbsup:


    • Like 6
  10. Another month! Another blog ;)
    Will try to keep this one on the go through May and into June that would be nice. 🆒

    Tough start to the year this year, my mum was very ill, spent a month in hospital, 3 weeks of which in intensive care. Was also in an induced coma for 2 weeks. Long story short but I'm pleased I was able to be there for her, at one point, I had to demand a doctor see her 24 hours after she was first admitted, as I stayed with her overnight, and nurse refused to get a doctor. Eventually got one to see her in middle of night, and 2 hours later they had a whole team there and took my mum into operating theatre... really pleased I was there for her. 

    Things are calming down a bit now, she's getting alot healthier, which is nice. 

    My work is also going OK at the moment. I'm self employed, and work with I.T. and web-design, and things are going OK on that front at the moment. 

    So it seems like a good time to try to do something with poker again!

    I think I stand the most chance of making some kind of money with poker playing live cash games, ideally 200nl live, but to start with when I do play live, I'll have to play 100nl even though rake is about 10%, just because of bankroll. 

    But, I haven't played poker consistently for a long time. So I need to refresh myself on the basics. So I've decided to play some cash poker this month and see how that goes. I'm going to start at 4nl. Then if I have 30 buyins for next level move up. If I ever get to 20 buyins for level below move down. 

    I will also play other formats (e.g. HUSNG's from time to time, and MTT's) - but my main focus is going to be on cash, as I want to develop the muscle memory to be able to play live cash when I get around to getting to a casino towards the end of the month. 

    Just checked out Unibet, and see even at 5am there are 60 players playing on the tables, so that's a good sign. 

    What are the games like at 4nl? They used to be very good a few years ago, are they still decent?

    Shiny new bankroll... just deposited 30 buyins for 4nl. 



    Will update daily (if I play that day!)

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