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Community Help

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Thanks, but I meant more of an overall guidelines thingy.

For instance I've visited the  site a couple of times, and when I clicked sign in it took me to Unibet.

I wasn't even aware you had to register here separately until I tried to post, then it prompted me.

So a "How To Register and Use the Community" Help would be good to have right there in a clear link I thought.

Course I could just be being dense!

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Ahhh...I fully understand also I have made a suggestion that they move the Sign inn and Sign up to a more "ordenary" place...well they just need some time for that :p

Also in the adress header it say https://www.unibetcommunity.com not Unibet only so maybe it is just peeps like me who read where my Browser takes me around the web...

I do recomend to read here also if you already havent ;) https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Welcome-how-to-s/bd-p/welcome



Nothing is impossible, the impossible only take some time.
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@JohnnyKings wrote:

Just clicked the Help link in top nav, expecting it to be about the community.

But it just leads to the Unibet overall help, I'd think a specific faq about the community might be helpful.

Just a thought, ignore at will!

Welcome aboard, @JohnnyKings! :)

I've forwarded your feedback to the designers. I agree it could be changed to something more descriptive as e.g. "Unibet help centre". 

As @Zipfil mentions, there're some community how-to's here: https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Welcome-how-to-s/bd-p/welcome. I'll speak to the designers about maybe having a link to this section in the header.

@JohnnyKings wrote:

So a "How To Register and Use the Community" Help would be good to have right there in a clear link I thought

@JeppeL and I will work on a "How To Register and Use the Community", and we'll post it later today.

Thanks a lot for all your feedback - keep it coming!

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