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Getaway from planet Breakeven and land on the Supermoon

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Peak balance on 24th April:

At the moment 510€. I'm not playing my best, but trying to comeback into the mood. I expect to play another 2 or 3 hours in the evening and maybe try to do something with this ticket:
The only one left in the bank.

Bonus Points: 1760
The plan was to use them for hexa's and have some fun to complete the mission, but right now a cash ticket would be a better choice. 

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Posted (edited)

Sorry to hear about your dog, been just over 2 years since I lost mines and it still stings although we have another dog now, it's not like a replacement. Every one is unique and their unconditional love is unreplaceable. And as you said, if they lived a fine life and got to a healty old age then that's all you can have wished for. The perfect life. 🐾

Edited by P0kerM0nk
Live? Life!
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Yeah sorry to hear too that but in the end it is just life. Lost my dog too to kidney failure so i can relate to fast loss.

In the end, imo, world would be much better place if peeps would be more like dogs, no bs, trolling, intrigue but just keeping things basic and taking as they are. And they are always happy when you come home, what is better than that 😄

PS. Good balance though you were calling yourself just cent player before 👍

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Posted (edited)

Bad morning session. lost few important flips

It would be time for some gardening to shake off the stress before the next session, but it's raining (again) today 😞

Also few winnings, but still...

the running in circles game continues. Let's go rake some more 😄

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  • 2 weeks later...

No major things or wins to report here as it was really really bad at the tables last two weeks. 

Spent the last 2k BP for 20€ ticket, and managed to clear it adding 10€. Thats a good thing and after that I felt more motivated to continue.

I'm still hidding the balance, but it could possibly be that I've done a 100€+ damage the last two weeks


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Got something from yesterday's Level2 freeroll

I can almost say that I was kinda sunrunning in the first part of the turney, being on top for some time and before ITM I was just trying to survive and bag a 5€ ticket. Like before I'll go for The Tower or The Brawl 🤞

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Posted (edited)

Friday's outcome:

A step ahead in the Level 2 freeroll

I opted to play the Tower with the 5€ ticket and after this mega runout (he raised AI on the flop):

I was more than happy I managed to come back and cash it

It's a little boost after being beaten all the day at the cash tables. Maybe it's time to consider a break from cash games as my mindset is at the very low level right now. 

Edited by HardGain
hand explanation
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Last weekend we had such a great time outdoors. Sunday we enjoyed the beggining of summer at our 406 Coupe Cafe Seaside meet.

Being too tired and sleepy in the evening i skipped the Sunday grind 🙄

The whole week was swingy as hell. No surprise I had less and less motivation to play, but now I have the time to play a lot more than ever, so if not now, when?

Today I finally had a better session in the morning. I managed to win 300BB in one hand, but few hands later I lost 100 with AA versus a random hand hitting trips on turn.

I'm a quarter away from Level3, so i'm looking forward for the freeroll in June.

So, let's go into the month of June! A lot of promos awaiting to spice up the whole game, the Euro matches, ecc. I expect also the activity on the community will increase that time.

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