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@pledman wrote:

2 weeks, 20 deposits, 650$ and no one bonus? Is it legal? No birthday bonus, no Christmas bonus, no cashback bonus, no bonus for minus player: nothing from automatically system. How does this system work? 

Hi @pledman,  "legal"? Sure! Bonuses are exactly what they imply, a Bonus, and not a right. Not giving a player a Bonus has nothing to do with legality whatsoever. The system is up and running, proven to credit Bonuses on a daily basis so that can't be the issue either. Eligibility to bonuses is another thing though and I'm afraid that the algorithm that decides what factors are taken into consideration are secret so I can't go into too much detail regarding them. But just so we have our facts straight, the total amount of your deposits do no account up to the amount you claim to have deposited. Not that it has anything to do with the issue at hand and even if it does it's not the only factor that would make you eligible for a Bonus, just thought since we're talking, the least we can do is be accurate without distorting any facts.


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