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where is my bet?


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I just did a bet, the odds changed when i was gonna put the bet, i accepted the change, placed my amount of money and did the bet. I saw the money i had in my "wallet" dissapear and then i closed down the app. After 2 games had been played i opened up my unibet app again and to my suprise i have no bet laid and i got the money in my wallet back. What is happening?

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Hi @Jackiboy, welcome to the Community :)

I had a closer look at this for you and it seems that almost one minute after your bet was placed, it was rejected and the money returned to your betting account. Apologies for the inconvenience first of all, I can't seem to find a note from our traders over what is the exact reason of the bet being rejected so that's all that I can say at the moment but if you are interested in it, I'll gladly reach out to them and try to provide you with a specific reason. It's worth mentioning that this is not a common error and is either tied to wrong odds provided or a technical issue.



Former Community Moderator
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