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Re: Cash out


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I have this issue a lot of times. Often I have to try several times before the Cash Out actually works. It's annoying enough, but recently I've started to notice that the second I press "Cash out", it quickly drops in value. Like really quick. The same issue happend today, and when I tried to Cash Out 499 kr, I got an "error", then it dropped to 470 "error", then 499 - and out of the blue, with NO changes in my cupong regarding goals (football) it dropped to 249,-. From 499 to 249 WHILE I constatnly tried to cash it out. And yes, the button was orange and active through the entire time. 

Seriously, I would like for you to fix this bug asap. I realize that the cash back can change, but this feels like I'm being tricked over and over again, and I'm starting to look for better pages to do my bets at. 

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Hi @Net, sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for reaching out to us. Welcome to the Community first of all :)

What we could do is forward your bet to our traders to be checked for any errors, could you please leave the Coupon ID below in a comment?

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  • 6 months later...

Hi! The exact same thing happend to me yesterday, not a good feeling when you make the right desicion but it just wont cash it out for you.. my coupon ID is 2216044088, would love for someone to check it for errors because it I tried about 15-20 times, and like the post here says, it just upped the value over and over again and you feel like its rigged... Ray if you could be of help, I would be immensly happy! 

Thanks in advance.



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Hi @Earlybird, thanks for reaching out to us :) I've sent the bet to be checked. Could you go a bit more in detail regarding this error please? Was the Cashout button grayed out and that's how the values were changing by any chance? If you have any screenshots, they would be highly appreciated. In any case, I will be posting here when our traders come back with an answer regarding any errors registered on your bet.



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Hi @Earlybird, just gotten some feedback from the traders regarding your bet. So, the Cashout was available from:
 2019-11-02 17:29:11 to 2019-11-02 17:33:04
 2019-11-02 17:33:14 to 2019-11-02 17:37:58
 2019-11-02 17:51:15 to 2019-11-02 17:51:31
 Our traders have also checked the logs for any issues or errors but confirmed that there were no technical issues that could have hindered your cash out attempt for this coupon. It does happen that when a player attempts a Cashout the odds change and subsequently the amount that is offered, and while this amount update is happening the Cashout will not be possible as it would need to first stabilize. These would be our findings regarding the matter, sorry for not being able to provide a more favorable answer. 


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Not sure exactly what time it was, but about 30 seconds after Liverpool scored the equalizer. The area was not grayed out. I've seen it grayed out before, but this was not the case. Thats why it was frustrating, because instead of letting me cash out what the amount was when I hit the button, it gave me a new value just slightly over what it just was.. it was updating every second, so if thats the reason for me not being able to cash out its really fishy.... if im happy with the amount I pressed at the moment, then I feel it should've let me cash out the spesific value :/ Taking a screenshot did not occure to me in that moment, which im regretting now.. the bet was 500NOK with 2.95 in odds. Said I could cash out for 1100NOK something, then by the next 30 seconds pressing the button it slowly went up to 1160NOK++.

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