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Why is my bet invaild?


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i send my bet 2 days ago.

Sansare - Deportivo Jocotan (My bet: 2,5 and over. Finished: 3-035E6050F-6D21-4DDF-81B6-B8C0E5A1271D.thumb.png.b3874669ea0c8c87f865d6451213b853.png

Rosario FC - Deportivo San Pedro (My bet: 2,5 and over. Finished: 0-3EF0EECED-B400-42F6-A09C-1D4D9F9B9BAD.thumb.png.077c04062d291d3c751ae0ba9075f88e.png

Why is invaild and pending, if i won?

Thanks for anawer!

Code: 1652463925





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