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About Anca23

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  1. I dont think you understand... I am playing for 3hrs, I have doubbled in chips, and than after the break I comme and I SEE THE SAME CARD IN MY HAND AND ON THE FLOP !! I couldn't belive my eyes and quickly took a screenshot and I couldn't play right after seeing this
  2. It could be true I guess cuz I just came back from break... It also can be something alse... I dont know ... i'm playing my biggest tournament and after i'm seeing this...
  3. Hi, can someone explain this screenshot I made during the tournament?! I did not pay 100e beaucouse I had a ticket, but still... it makes me ask for 100 back... I'm verry upset to see this on unibet...
  4. yap, four is more than enough
  5. Hi all, Can I still exchange tickets here? I have a 100e MTT... thx
  6. Hi all, I sow the sports betting app today... good ideea, looks good... Doesnt work... Keep at it! Gl hf
  7. Hi, Is somebody alse experiencing problems with the software??? Big lag... push me out of tables... I think my internet is good now... wifi laptop test 500 download, 530 Upload Is it just me?? Thx
  8. this is happening since they changed my routter... the new and improved more expensive... :)) I will contact them to change it... Thank you verry much!
  9. after reinstaling unibet poker It is running fine... but this happend on three diferent laptops in the past 2 mounths... verry strange
  10. ok, thx, will do I just put "8.8.8." in Host??
  11. Hi guys and gals, For the last couple of mounths I'am having problems with constant disconnect... Pls somewone tell me if is just me or is the server?! It is starting to be a VERRY BIG PROBLEM and I'am thinking of finding another poker site... I think my internet is verry good, but...
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