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Group: Pair
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Everything posted by Koreanwannabe

  1. Hello, I got one aswell. https://postimg.cc/H8sRmdFn PS: tried to insert url...didnt work...
  2. Hi there..is it crashing when you try to stack tables ? For me does that from time to time. Im in the UK.. dont think swedish software is bugged.
  3. 😔 Will be more careful in the future. Thank you for the answer provided @Andy-Relax
  4. Hello, First of all i hope its the right area for my topic. So fast forward i want to know if i can change a 250e supermoon ticket to lower ones. I did play this because i was thinking the sattie was for a 50e mtt and not 250e one. I admit is my mistake but here i am. The reasons i want to change the ticket to lower one (10x 25e would be a dream) are: 1. The tournament is Sunday which is a working day for me (working from Friday to Monday) and that means i need to book a day off which seems bit hard in this period. 2. I play poker for fun (with making some money in mind) and to play a 250e mtt seems burning money for my skills. Thanks for reading and i apologize if this is unappropiate.
  5. Ok...care to explain more? So if i deposit £100 which is at this moment like 114 euros but lets say a week from now that £100 worth just 105 euros just because ex rate? Im pretty dumb but this make no sense. When i make a deposit (at least in my mind is like buying something and not like an stock investment where my stock can go up or down) i expect to have the same ammount. Where can i read more about this policy. Thank for the replys
  6. Hello, So fast forward my balance is decreasing daily in avg. by 3e. Havent play since last Wednesday but i gogged in almost daily to see how the sostware is behaving. Anybody else with this issue? Can someone check the logs ? Thanks!
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