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About Mustaprinssi

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  1. haha sometimes commander has to show angry. becose if commander is to soft it not helping in war paths
  2. my name comes for this gyu. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_the_Black_Prince
  3. yea i finally undesrstand sorry. i was just raging when i wasy playing good poker and leading and site crushen down. so i searisly woulda have calm down beofre messagin. my bad
  4. okay my rage blinded me but when u clik that support icont it brings u window email. and i dont have it. whyt it goes to something what most of people dont use?
  5. yes in pokerstars when crash come they sen u money and giving tickets for free automatically
  6. and u to dummy to understand. i still have to send them message from windows account. why i cant just send tehm messages from my gmail account. unibet is living dinosaurus age for this prolem and u suk their arses
  7. yes u leader country is so good that u try to teach uss english what most off people dont talk. maybe its time to close english suoerior and change language when u gyus are irrocant briks. so u can go phuk u self
  8. okay but u real number i ring it and there was automatic phone message who speaks arabic. and can u but u email adres where to coplain.
  9. wtf u and phukin talkin. u phukin email is phukin dinosaurus age. u cant send u support messages from normal emails. u phukin idiots living 90s its 2021. here u have to greate windows email to send u phukin message. wtf is this bs in pokerstars if ihave prolem i cna send email to u whit my normal email i dont have to work new amail. come phkuin back to 2021. now u compensate all tournament players for 200e
  10. no hell no iw win all to time here. and this wasent first time. but when i pay they bill i want no proplems
  11. and wtf is this that gettin message to support is so phukin hard. but u phukin emails on normal places. so idont have to do new account to message when proplems come. unibet support living dinosaurus age. fire all who support bs messages to support. but phukin that fukin support flag on top of thing becose now its hard to find a phukin place where i can tell how badly u running bisnes phukin idiots
  12. wtf is this i wasleading tournament and now i cant play fukin moron unibet. hire moore genius person to work that proplems cant come. i woulda fire now all unibet workers this nuub mistake. iwant winners money amount ofc.
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