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Group: 72
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Everything posted by Hammerfalls

  1. Overall, I don't agree with banning names. It's not a kindergarten. Everyone can get offended over anything. But does it mean the rules have to change because of you? However, I don't understand how can 'Profanity' and 'Face' be banned but not words like 'bliat', 'Blyat', 'nachui''? These are the strongest Russian 'f***' equivalents. And I don't mean 'face'.
  2. Well, I'm dissapointed. Scrolled through the thread and none of my aliases are here. I have really clever ones, at least until they ban "beach, bitsh, but, h8, fu, fyou, fyall, sak, suk, sukc, dump, stjupid, sh1". But if you ban that, please ban also all the 'fish', 'newb' aliases, all 'hunters', 'killers', etc. If you need any more ideas, let me know. I'm glad to ban anything and everything except Iamhappy, Iloveyou, sunshine99 and unibet1323. But don't forget to ban 'unibut'.That's offensive to everyone...
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