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Posts posted by Hotzo

  1. Hi @Leo-Unibet

     I wanted to suggest adding some  25/50sats ->250 UO tickets maybe on 28th /29th during the night. Would be nice on Sunday aswell but it could probably overlay because there s already a lot of sats and mtts. Maybe you can check unused for 250UO tickets to see if there s enough so the UO final doesn t overlay.I believe there will be people who prefer those over the 50 r/a .I ll take anything tho 😄.

  2. Another thing could be not raking the bounty part as much but i m not sure if it will work as there wont be much of a prizepool left , especially with the current payout , which i highly recommend to change .17% is waaay too much for a bounty with a small field.

    120 bounty+115for prizepool+15 rake

    120 bounties after rake seems more esthetic than 117 .

    Please consider the things i suggested 🤠 @Leo-Unibet


  3. Alright my feedback on the Supermoon is the following:

    Great structure , dont think anything should be changed when it comes to that .

    I suggest to get a different payout system something like 10-12% would be nice.

    The satellites see pretty good, the finals can have more tix it seems .

    It could use more marketing via socials imo , some promos etc

    I ll add more if i notice anything 🤙

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  4. I got 4th :happy:.It seems like a pretty good game , the GTD is a big issue , its understandable to not make it like 3 k right away tho , the promo seems fair enough.  I agree with psycho , 2 more levels of latereg would be nice , it could help get that GTD a bit bigger . Different payout structure would make the top prizes more appealing, 3.5x the buy in for the win is not that great, you win bounties aswell but still 😛 . Some sats would be nice , so it doesn t take tickets from the Neptune or Comet . It has a lot of potential i believe. 😃 @Leo-Unibet 

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  5. I think its worthed to give it another shot as a PKO  ,at least once .PKO seems to be more popular and I personally prefer it over other bounty formats . KO doesn t really work on unibet i believe due to small fields . Would be nice if there would be some sats to support it and maybe the old payout structure , 11% 12 % , can t remember what it was . With consistent payouts and 50 50 bounty it could come back to life .  Please give it another chance @Leo-Unibet 😃

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  6. @Leo-Unibet I mentioned this previous series aswell . First satellite doesn t seem to ever overlay .A patern i ve seen in satellites for 50 euro tickets for example is  that the first satellite is usually a success , but for the next ones people seem to lose interest and it gets less players, maybe because they start playing other mtts . I think optimal would be to start even a bit earlier with less tickets . You can start when supernova satellites usually start running around 15:30 CET, Start with 5 or 10 tickets or something inbetween for minimum overlay then increase the tickets to 10 or 15  , there s not many mtts running so it should perform fairly fine, then go for 15 or 20 . Regs will play the anyway , but the target players will think: "Oh i didn t got a ticket this time, theres even more tickets next time, let s try again " As more mtts start running the tickets should decrease to 10 maybe . A lot of people will have too many tables or lost interest already .

    Long story short megasatellites schedule shouldn t be linear as it is in my opinion: Before rush hours {(5tix)->(10tix)-> (15tix)->(20tix)}, During rush hours ->(15tix)->(15tix)->(10tix), Seems optimal to me , for less overlay and same nr of tickets . 

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  7. Hi @Leo-Unibet, can you please change the 5 euro R/A supersets for 25 euro tickets into 2 euro R/A, or 5 re entry or even freezout?

    Investing 15 euros on average for a change to a 25 euro ticket is not appealing to anyone, and I think a lot of people will avoid those. I personally won't play them and if I don't get tickets for a reasonable price I will start skipping events.


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  8. Hi, @Leo-Unibet, Is it possible for the UOS satellites to have the orange color coding? or maybe some of them that have more tickets. I tend to miss them because there is so much to satellite into and to play right now, with DSO and UO and UK tour being online.

    Also good job with the UOS schedule, it looks great.

    I spotted a little typo tho in the 100x3Tix rebuy satellite description for E93 , it says Hig instead of high .

    • Like 2
  9. There is a link to a post in the 1st post of this thread, where Stubbe is explaining what s up, which nobody seems to read. I kind of agree that everything should ve been shut down but the problem is that you don t know when or if it will stop.
    Also @nashjina, are you serious?, I don't think Unibet has a huge Customer support team to deal with everything constantly, the team is small, and they all have been working to solve everyone s issues. This is not the easiest issue to deal with even for bigger sites.You can t predict when someone decides to attack your site you know. Also you all people are not making it easy for them either, Stubbe suggests everyone to read the post where he specifically says Do NOT request mtt refunds yet, none reads the damn post and some start requesting mtt refunds. Instead of actually helping people he has to keep telling people to stop posting about mtts and lock threads because they can t follow some simple instructions.
    I believe they deserve breaks aswell. And Y all need to calm down, everything will be refunded, but it wont happen with a snap of a finger. If you want to get a proper refund be patient and don't rush them imo.

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  10. I very much agree on everything you said, we need more tournaments in the 5-50 zone and all these r/a are not doing it for me at least . I absolutely hate this "5 euro r/a are like 15 euro buy ins". This doesn t work. I am not regging that from the start unless its a freezout or the structure is decent like the 25 r/a( which I always registed from the start). There has to be less steep buy in jumps, rebuy add ons are NOT filling the gap, you re encouraging people to max latereg that way. There has to be something between 5-10, 10-25, 25-50, 50-100, Not rebuy add on, freezout or re entry that is. All this " we target recreationals, they don't care about those buy in gaps" is bs , every site is targeting recs, yet they add those kind of buy ins. Just because recs don't care doesn t mean it shouldn t exist, they would play it anyway, and you atract more people to your site by improving the schedule.

    This is the time to show that Unibet has a huge potential, and instead of taking action and improving the scheduled drastically , tournaments are getting removed. Not sure what kind of strategy is that, but I dont think its a good one.

    Yes, I understand it can be a lot of work, but this forum exists for a reason. Reasonable suggestions can be made by the community members , but no one will waste their time if they know it gets ignored.

    Its time to take action. ⌚

    rant over/


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