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Posts posted by Ch0p5Re1d

  1. On 3/10/2022 at 2:20 PM, Purps said:

    Assuming the Covid-situation will keep getting better and Putin doesn't blow up the whole world, would it be totally unthinkable to still keep having an online tournament during an UOS, maybe like once a year, where an UO/Unibet Live ticket could be used for an entry? 🤔

    There's a lot of people, like the OP here and myself, that like to grind the UO satellite tree, but don't really have interest or intention to enter a live event 😕


    @Leo-Unibet @Seb-Unibet 

    To be honest it’s not that I wouldn’t attend a live event it’s just that with family commitments I need quite a bit of notice. 

    Have asked about Extending and someone is looking into for me. 

    • Like 1
  2. Thanks for that. Really useful and appreciate the reply. 

    Although I now appear to be stuck with a €250 ticket I can’t realistically use given there is no way will manage to get to Tallinn or Malta. 🙄

  3. Apologies of this has been asked before. I did have a look through forum. 

    I have a €250 Unibet Open ticket that expires soon. It’s been sitting in my account for months as I am a casual player and don’t really have time for a 3 hour tournament. 

    I noticed that it has now been renamed Unibet Live and the only tournament available for use is in Tallinn. 

    1) Is Unibet Live a new thing? I haven’t spotted anything about it anywhere. 
    2) Is there likely to be anything else to use it on before end of March?

    3) If I did play and win a ticket to the Tallinn tournament would it be exchangeable in any way?





  4. On 8/28/2021 at 6:04 PM, P0kerM0nk said:

    Part 2 🙃

    Bit of a weird hand this, open JJ on the BTN and get 3b by SB albeit small 3x OOP but JJ is for me a 100% call as if I 4b and get jammed on I'm not in a great spot with JJ. Villain x the flop so I bet and get x/r and I call and same on the turn lol, I thought villain was just clicking buttons or something as such a weird line and it off, fancy play with the nuts I guess, suckered me in lol, doubt I can ever fold here anyway though.



    QJ on the BTN, CO opens and I 3b and he calls, all the money goes in on the flop. Literally a flip, I'm 1% ahead with 51% vs 49% 😁 



    SB opens, I 3b, he 4b with ATo which is a good combo and I call which is standard but he also made the 4b small as was just above 2x. SB pets 1/2 on flop which is bigger than solver says, 1/3 better but w/e and I called flop with back door FD and SD, he jams turn which is more of a x with his hand but mixed anyhow and we have an easy call here, funny to see a hand we already beat at that point. And we hold!



    Fun player limps BTN, SB raises and we both call, good flop for us, SB bets out 1bb not sure wtf that is about but I raise and BTN calls and SB folds. I big bet turn and get raised so all the money goes in, oh well one of the few combos that we don't beat. He was one of those fun players you couldn't beat with anything, running like god.



    172bb deep - CO limps I raise, SB aggro ish reg re-raises and I call, boom hit a set, he bets 2/3 flop and we call, bets 2/3 on turn again and I call and he jams river and I call again. Board runs out pretty ugly even the turn and I was on the fence of raising or just calling it off, me raising would also just fold out his bluffs so just called it, bit ugly being this deep. But because he was aggro and he kept betting on a board that's actually better for my range especially the turn I find it a bit bizar. He should do a lot more small betting flop and checking turn so... thanks anyway 🙂



    Still a few more hands after this... do you guys even like these hands getting posted or is this just a waste of time? lol 



    Really enjoy reading the hand history. 

    Some weird stuff goes on. I mean A4 hand is an interesting triple barrel. 😂

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 8/31/2021 at 10:08 AM, Andy-Unibet said:

    Hi everyone, 

    We're looking to consolidate the two existing Unibet Open qualifier tries down to a single route to make things easier to understand. There are two possible options we're looking at just now: -

    A) €0.20 -> €1 -> €5 -> €25 -> €250 -> €1,100


    B) €0.40 -> €2 -> €10 -> €50 -> €250 -> €1,100

    We'd like your input on which of these you would prefer and any reasoning behind why you made that decision. Please post A or B and your reasons below.

    Regardless of which route we end up using exchangers will stay and we'll make sure there are ways you can migrate tickets that don't work in the new system.

    Think I prefer option B as it’s what I have been playing and offers a nice gradual progression. 

    On another note is there any exchangers for a €250 ticket? Have one I would ideally like to exchange for €50s. 

  6. Hello,

    I accidentally flipped the wrong ticket. Wanted to exchange the Unibet Open €50 but ended up exchanging my general tournament €50. 

    would it be possible to get my €50 one back in place of Unibet Open one?



  7. Cheers for the feedback. Game is pretty good at 10NL but probably best to settle at 25NL first.


    Tempted by the €55 in Bonus plus the tournament ticket but the €50NL ticket is probably going to be difficult to get through 300 flops.


    Hopefully play you at some point this year.

    • Like 1
  8. Have been doing the Moving On Up promotion and quite enjoying it. 

    Normally play 10NL but was planning on moving up to 25NL soon anyway so completing the challenges was not an issue. 

    Question is whether should do 50NL this week. Found the level of play at 25NL totally fine but not sure how much of a jump up there is to 50NL. 

    Also trying to work out a rough idea of how many people are liable to be in the final tournament? Any guesses? Think this tournament has been run before. 


    Any thoughts from people about how much of a jump up 50NL is or how to get an idea of comparing the risk of playing with potential bonus. 

  9. From looking at a bit of database analysis from another site at the weekend, players 4Bet plus range is really value heavy. I have got to the stage of only calling QQ+, AK. Might be too nitty but not worth the tilt when lose stack AQ vs AK etc. 

    I started reading the Mental Game of Poker by Jared Tendler. Really not a self help book kind of person but finding it really useful to get a bit of perspective and pick up some tips about coping with tilt. 

    • Like 1
  10. Thanks for this, really grateful you put the time into the response.


    Have been subscribed to a training site for a few months and feel it is getting to its usefulness soo need something else to work with to keep motivation up to improve game.


    Bought some hand histories the other day to look up some population analysis which was fun.


    Might give this a go, what I was meaning about effort is I am happy to put hours in but can’t be bothered with a programme that isn’t user friendly. Poker Scientist actually looks quite slick and useable.


    Should have said last post I have been really enjoying blog, started playing again around the time it started and have been checking in every week for inspiration.


    Not playing as high stakes as 100NL but can appreciate the bad variance. Had a horrible time in November as had to move down stakes, not because of bankroll but the constant bad beats were starting to affect my game, was doubting my self and getting on tilt too much. Did the trick though and moved back up and been good since.

    • Like 1
  11. How are you getting on with Poker Scientist. Read about it last night and am quite tempted.


    Is it worth having the full package or just the silver part.


    Been tempted with a solver for a while but don’t know if I have the energy for one that takes a lot of effort.


    Working on mobile is also a big plus for me.

  12. I think it's been mentioned before but the button is in the wrong place in portrait mode on iOS app. Makes it hard to work out position. 

    Also been having issue last couple of nights when trying to move from iPhone app to iPad app and says I am logged in to previous app. Wont let me log into either. 

  13. I am the same. Using an iPhone XR and generally play for an hour or two a night. Getting kicked out of app or the screen just goes wonky and have to restart. It’s happened so many times I am getting really sick of it. You are in the middle of hands and then you are scrambling to restart before timer runs out. Then when you can’t get back quickly enough you have to wait for big blind and lose your extra timer. Really frustrating.


    I don’t really understand how this has happened as I have never come across an iOS app that is anywhere near as buggy. What happened during testing (assuming there must have been some thorough testing)

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