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Group: 72
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Everything posted by Marco182

  1. maybe we are allowed to play with the english client or something like that shouldtn be that of a problem
  2. is there a client that i can use to play at the windowsclient? maybe an unibet.com client where i can play from Austria
  3. ok when this work sry for my anger :)
  4. i have to say this is very frustrating for me. i am from austria play from austria and cant log in because of an law from germany. and the de.unibet.com domain should affect me come one this is nonsense
  5. yes and i want that all the table are open not like in the client version
  6. i have downloaded the internation link from the support team he also says it should work but it dosnt work. This is very bad from a company like Unibet that someone who isnt affected from a law cant play :) I cash out because the webversion is no alternative
  7. i downloaded the client from unibet.com same error message is this a joke? My account is from Austria i live in austria and i cant play? and dont talk that i have to use the webclient because everybody knows this version is bad as it could be.
  8. i cant log in into the windows client i am from austria what do i have to do?
  9. will there be an Promotion in October? or only the new client missions?
  10. will there be a new Promotion for October? i have cleared the new client missions but for now i have nothing or i am missing something?
  11. startet a Sit and Go at my Ipad and it doesnt count for the mission? can anybody take a look at this? name: Tsipasa
  12. Will there also be a new loyality system with new ranks?
  13. The new software ist better than the old one it only needs some little improvements. I am sure you can make this
  14. The new software looks in the first moment very good, but there are some strange things linke the new design of the back of the cards, then you dont see how many flops you have played, sit out next hand is on the topright corner, the casino icons are way to big I mean who has tested this software and dont see this problems?
  15. Hello, i am from Austria and i want to install the Poker App on my Ipad ( with my android phone no problem) when i go to the apple store i get the message this app is not available at your Region. Ok then i thought i switch my Region to Germany and it shows me the app at the store and i can download it, but sad news is when i want to log in i get an erros message Is there an way that i can play on my Ipad when i am from Austria? thanks Marco
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