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Group: Three Of A Kind
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Posts posted by MoreTBC

  1. Day 1b update 1

    The plan was to get a good nights sleep and be ready for day 1b fresh and positive. Unfortunately that did not happen. Turns out you should really ready the notifications on the walls of your hotel.


    Now I just ignored the advice and set it what I thought was 'cold' as it was a warm day in Glasgow and left to go play Day 1a. When I got back in at 00:30 or so I basically walked into a tropical jungle. Unfortunately hotels also have a pretty understandable policy so that you can only open windows about 2 inches so I spent the next 3 hours at least tossing and turning on my cotton rock of a pillow trying to erase the foldathon I'd just been through and get some decent sleep. I think I got about 3 or 4 hours and then at 8ish was awake again :(

    Watched some Youtube videos, including this hilarious nonsense..


    .. and then went to breakfast.

    Spilt large amounts of my cereal on my phone as I seem to have forgotten how to eat with a spoon. I then went for a quick walk along the Quayside to look for a cash machine so I got get my buy-in for the day. Half way around the complex I realise that my when putting my t-shirt on in the morning I managed to get most of my deodorant on the outside of my t-shirt and headed back to the hotel to change. Turns out the building next to the hotel has an cash machine and if I had just turned right instead of left I would have seen it and saved myself a pointless walk.

    I am not GTO on this trip so far.

    I took a few things away from playing yesterday. I was sitting at a table that was full of casino regulars. I think there was myself and Ben aka Estonian Jesus that were the only non-regs for the majority of the time I spent at the table. Everyone else seemed to know the dealers, the floor staff and each other. At one point I had raised and I looked up to see one of the players who had already folded look at another player, look at my cards and then nod. Funnily enough I won that hand uncontested. Now I've not played nearly enough live to know whether or not they were mouthing a conversation to each other previous to me looking up and it was just coincidence or if one player was trying to tell the other that they thought I had a big hand (I had 7's I think) but it certainly highlighted the fact that these guys all knew each others and their plays pretty well. It didn't change my play or anything but it has definitely made me realise that I need to pay much more attention to whats happening on the table when I'm in and out of the hands.

    My plan today is not to look at my phone at all during play. It's so easy to throw your cards in the muck and then reach for you phone and see whats going on social media but I think I'm missing out on tells and play styles. I feel a lot more awake, even with the lack of sleep, so I'm going to try and pay much more attention.

    My other plan is to not be card dead and if I am.. mix it up anyway. The play at my table yesterday was loose to say the least. People were not reaching showdown with AK or big pairs most of the time and there were some interesting plays. The guy to my left yesterday must have had a VPIP 50% minimum but his aggression worked. The early levels seem like a good time to get some chips together in live play so I'm not going to be quite so tight this time round. Hopefully it works out for the best.

    I forgot to mention the biggest cooler of the table last night. Two players ended up going AIPF AA vs QQ. The player with QQ called after Estonian Jesus tanked for quite some time and then folded. When they turned over the cards Ben said to the QQ player that he had folded the same hand. The QQ player was pretty upset about being told he was drawing basically dead and got ready to pass a large amount of his chips to someone else. Flop (roughly) comes out T9X, J turn, 8 river. :Wow: They worked it out after that the guy was 2% or something preflop to win the hand. Nice to know someone was running pure.

    There is just over an hour to go now before day 1b kicks off. Davitche is confirmed to be playing today but I'm unsure who else is going to play. I think Daiva and Hensiepensie busted yesterday, Startlinggrope aka ChapAndAChair busted but appears to be regging today and there are a few other guys that will be in the mix too. Not sure how Lappin and Iany finished last night but Espen/Uhlen is through with a small stack. If I can get hold of/meet people I'll try and update their stacks too. I'm terrible at saying hello to new people so I've not actually spoken to many of the faces I 'internet' know. Going to go down now and see who I can awkwardly introduce myself to as MoreTBC :Rofl:

    First break update (chips permitting) at 3pm or so :)



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  2. RIP to Day 1a. Call in the BB with AT against one raiser, flop comes T7X, villian bets and I call (Probably should have just shoved here as I only had 20bb or so to start the hand)

    Turn is something under a Ten, check check

    River is an 8. Villian bets and I call and he shows the rivered straight.

    Next hand I'm in the sb with 9bb or so and have A4o. CO raises and I jam. He calls and shows 8's. Flop is 822. That'll be GG then.

    I'd love to say I played good or bad but to be honest I just didn't play. I reached showdown twice I think and that was the hands above. Highest pair all night was tens and that got a 3 bet and 4 bet. Other than that I had AQo once in level one. We shall return tomorrow for another bite at the cherry.

    Now to sleep!

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  3. 14964251159981933553757.thumb.jpg.423a95c3496f1a60059d15acbce89e3a.jpg

    Update 3

    First drink has been bought. Pretty uneventful and standard drive down for me. Traffic in random places and missing the hotel turn and spending 20 minutes in traffic finding a way to turn round because the Glasgow road system is silly. 

    Seen a couple of faces so far and I can hear Hensie but I've not seen him. 20 minutes until kick off. 




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  4. UK Tour Glasgow Live Update #2

    12:40 - Finally busted everything :(

    $3.30 WTB - 11th - $13.14
    $7.50 PKO - 40th - $12.47 + $11.49 Bounties
    $5 Deep stacks - 11th - $25.15

    Profitable day but ominous FT missing results as we make a move to Glasgow. Managed to tidy flat, eat, iron clothes and 95% pack while playing so we're back on schedule! Next update when we hit G-Town :)

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  5. UK Tour Glasgow Live Update #1

    It's 10:10 on Friday morning and I'm sat in my PJs listening to the latest episode of the Chip Race (Have a listen here, it's really good). My plan was, and technically still is, to leave around 2pm and make the drive down south to Glasgow. It's about 2 and a bit hours away so I'll hopefully miss the traffic and it'll give me time to get something to eat before Day 1a starts. Unfortunately I've already made some schoolboy errors with preparation which is going to make today a longer day than I originally anticipated.

    Error 1: Watching Paul Blart Mall Cop 1 & 2 last night until 1am and then getting up at 8am this morning.

    Day 1a (if you go by the the schedule sheet) is going to finish at 4am tomorrow morning so a 20 hour day is not ideal. If my self predicted last level bust out comes true it'll also make a 1pm Day 1b start time a tough ask too. As someone who does not drink hot things (tea and coffee) artificial tiredness suppressants are going to be hard to find. I'm hoping excitement, adrenaline and probably alcohol will get me through the night. Paul Blart is a champion though :Cool:

    Error 2: Playing poker this morning.

    I figured I could play for a few hours before getting ready and fired up a few tournaments with the idea that I could just make it ITM for a buck or two and then pull my thumb out my ass and do things I need to do, like pack and eat. The poker gods disagreed. Here are the stats as of 10:30am (takes me a long time to type a few paragraphs it seems)

    $5.50 Deep stacks - 1 of 36 (470 runners) - ITM

    $3.30 Win the Button - 11 of 22 (325 runners) - ITM

    $7.50 PKO - 56 of 125 (887 runners) 108 ITM

    Now I like winning money and going deep in tourneys but this really isn't ideal. I am not a morning person so I just opened the client and just went 'click click click' on anything that was close to the end of late reg without really thinking about how long they might last. The deep stacks was a really bad misclick as I now recall watching Kevin Martin on Twitch wasting 11 hour of his life winning a $11 deep stack once. I don't have 11 hours, I have 1! I've not even showered yet, let alone pack, eat, go shopping so my gf can eat while I'm away/get essentials for Glasgow, wash my car, fill it with fuel and probably other things I've forgotten I need to do. I have a horrible feeling I'm just going to have to sit out and prey the servers crash and I get a ICM payout :)

    I don't think that will happen so some tough choices will have to be made in the next hour or so. NExt update will hopefully be at half 1 as I pack my laptop into my bag and set the sat-nav for Glasgow :)




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  6. Swings and roundabouts

    May continues to be one of the weirdest months as far as poker goes for me. On Unibet, i've been getting crushed :( I went on a 12 day losing streak after the 13th and that included 2 big -€100 days. It's been brutal to be honest and I've really not been enjoying my time playing. I've only played a handful of MTTs in the last week and some days I don't even open the client. I'm have a crisis of confidence :wow:


    This is a great visual representation of the 'downswing'. It would be very easy to blame it on variance and being card dead but I don't feel like I'm playing well. I'm getting it rough as far as the cards go, don't get me wrong, and feel like I'm getting it in good most of the time and losing but I also never believe anyone anymore and am getting punished for it. I have now used all of my UO/EO tickets so that dream is dead and I bubbled one UK final and just played badly in the other so I can't see myself getting a cheap bullet for the weekend either. I have one solitary €25 UK ticket that I won last night left and a betting freeroll ticket from the weekend. I'll be in Glasgow for the May missions tourneys so those tickets will be useless.

    Away from Unibet things have been much better. I played a number of SCOOP lows and cashed 4 I think. None were for big money but when you're getting through a field of up to 10,000 people it suggests that you can't be playing that bad. A quick check of Holdem Manager confirmed this as I have a 27% ITM over 81 MTTs on PS for the month of May. I just feel like I play better when I see a PS table on my screen over a Unibet one just now. I have no idea why and it's got to just be some sort of psychological tweak I need to work through but it's causing havoc on my BR just now.

    I also deposited a little money on a site that rhymes with pie after hearing @Darkangel7 talk about it on Ian's stream. It's a strange place with only 6 max MTTs, no antes ever it seems and oodles of bounty tournaments. As with PS, I feel like I just play better when I see a pie table on screen. My initial £30 deposit was returned to my bank (in record time I might add, cashouts take about 2 hours to Paypal and then same day to my bank account) after I final tabled the first 3 MTTs I played. They had their Super Sunday yesterday which had a 30K main event £110 buy in bounty MTT. I satted in for £12 and took 7 bounties and a min cash for £460ish so results everywhere but Unibet have been great. I've cashed most of it out and it'll now go on covering my buy-in for Glasgow :)

    I could not be more excited about playing live poker in Glasgow this week. I've made two trips to the local casino here after gigs this month and enjoyed it so much on both occasions. I'm not a cash player but it was the only thing running at 1:30 in the morning so it had to do. First session I ended up £150ish after 2 hours or so basically because of one bizarre hand... the story of which you will now read about :)

    I had be watching reruns of High Stakes Poker on Twitch before my gig that night and I think that set the tone for how the hand played out. If you've ever seen the show you'll know they players would often go to war with less than premium hands and it worked out for them. With that in mind I look down at 64s  in the SB after it folding round to me. The game is £1/£1 or £1/£2 and there was a straddle to £4. I figured I throw in the extra and see a flop. 

    Flop comes T53 (or something similar). I check, straddle bets and I call. It wasn't a big bet as far as I remember (maybe £3 or something) and the player in the straddle was playing Chinese against another player on the table on his phone and just looked like he was betting to get his straddle back. 

    Turn is a 6. I've picked up a pair which is nice. I check again and the straddle bets bigger this time, around £15 I think. At this point I get the feeling that I'm actually ahead and he's just trying to bully me off the pot. I figured that as he's a reg on the table and I'm new to the table that I'd look like an easy target and for my time on the table and the chat it sounded like he was a loose player. I call and we go to the river.

    River is a 9 I think and the straddle puts me all in for about £150. I lean forward and put my hand on my chips to shuffle them and have a think about things. Straddle then picks up his cards and throws them into the middle of the table face down. Everyone looks a little confused and the dealer gives him his cards back. I don't know if he just saw me out the corner of his eye and thought I'd called but at that point I only really had one option. I looked at one of the more chatty players at the table and said "well, I have to call now" and stuck the chips in. Straddle instantly mucks and I flip over my 6. Bizarre hand, excellent profit :)

    My second session later in the month was also a profitable one but only £50 or so as I played most of the session 2 and 3 handed so it was pretty swingy. It's so satisfying having chips to hold and cards to peak at and I can't wait to get down to Glasgow on Friday. I plan to play everything I can. I've budgeted for a bullet a day in the main and I'll play any side events I can get into as well just for the experience more than anything else. 

    End of month wrapup and Glasgow report next Monday hopefully and I'll sprinkle some updates in the official event thread if I'm doing well or just to complain about suckouts :)

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  7. May, It's a funny ol' month

    This poor little blog has been so neglected recently. I'm going to be honest I think the next decent update with be the Glasgow recap at the start of June but I'll see what ramblings I can get out before then.

    Let's talk about Glasgow first shall we, or more specifically, qualifying for Glasgow. It's been an interesting experience so far. Let's look at the numbers so far :-

    • € spent on qualification: Just over 100 I think. I mistagged some entries as cash when I think they were tickets
    • Ticket total: 2x €100 final tickets
    • Sats played: Too many.

    It has been a painful experience trying to qualify for Glasgow. I tend to forget these things are satellites and end up playing them like it's a bounty and just punt my stack or play too many hands. That doesn't seem to be much of an issue at the €1 level as people are more than happy to punt before me so I've done pretty well in them. At the €4 and €25 level people seem to know what they're doing a little more so I've been getting crushed. That was until last night when I decided it was time to run as hot as the sun. Played 2x €4 and won them both (including knocking out Mathrim on the bubble twice, sorry!) and then played the 2x €25s and binked both of them too! 🆒. If you were in the second one (starts at 8:30 GMT I think) I apologise for my horrible time wasting. I had a feeling one of the players was going to rebuy but with a minute and a half left on the late reg and them only having 72 chips I did some stalling. The sat had overlayed by €75ish so I wanted that extra value all to myself :)

    There doesn't appear to be a final I can play until Sunday (Fri and Sat are no good) so I'll have to sit on my tickets. I'll keep firing the €4s because I'd like to hit Glasgow on the 2nd with at least 2 bullets as my Unibet live record suggests I'll get to the last level of Day 1a and then bust :wonder:

    Next up for May, €10 bounties. Now I know the Bounty Badlands promo is over but I have a certain love for the 9pm and 9:30pm Ten-X bounties. They are just the right amount of crazy and decent play for me to handle late in a session. They have also been generating the most final tables for me this month, 7 to be exact. I've played 12 in total this month so that's a pretty good return if I don't say so myself. I've only managed a 4th as my highest finish but these runs have basically been paying for all the UK tour sats :)

    I've had 8 other cashes this month, most of them being in Turbos but no gold trophies as yet. Qualified for the Sunday Entitled last weekend but didn't play well and did not cash. Overall I'm showing only €47 up for the month but that also included the €100 from the promo last month so it's been a losing one so far. It's pretty understandable when the majority of my play has been in the satellite systems that don't really reward cash. Hopefully one (or both) of the two €100 uk tour tickets results in a win and I can claw back some loss for the month via the allowance for accommodation. 

    Next update will be when something interesting happens or at the end of the month :)

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  8. Wednesday 26/04/17

    Wednesday started off in the best possible way, a gold trophy in the morning €10 Bounty. Only small issue was that I only managed to get my first bounty when we were down to 4 players and I knocked out the 4th place finisher. I did manage to collect the remaining two and my own for a nice boost to the points on the leaderboard. The rest of the day was a miserable bust, including firing two bullets in the new €1K 1R/1A €4 that appears to have replaced the Daily 4. I can see this being a great value tourney for a a little while so it's one I'm going to play regularly.

    Profit/Loss for the day: -€28.48


    Thursday 27/04/17

    Was DJing at night so only played the morning bounty, did not cash and didn't get any bounties.

    Profit/Loss for the day: -€10.00


    Friday 28/04/17

    Two bounty based scores on Friday night to seal victory over Mr Simpson. First was a final table and cash bubble in the PLO bounty but by collecting 4 heads I turned a small profit and some valuable points. Second was the nightly €25 bounty. Not a tourney I normally play as it starts so late but I was up so I thought I'd see what happened. There ended up only being 5 entrants and I took every single bounty and the gold trophy for first 🆒. Nearly €70 of sweet profit and some well needed points. At that point I was only a few points behind 5th and an extra €100 payday. 

    Played the other regulars but did not make anything of them.

    Profit/loss for the day: €23.17


    Saturday 29/04/17

    Pretty good day on Saturday. Started off with a min cash and 3 bounties in the morning €10, followed that up with the booby prize in a €10 UO sat getting €8 back and then won a €4 UO UK ticket from a €1 sat. With the afternoon schedule being pretty thin I jumped into a €10 turbo deepstack which turned into €33 profit for a 4th place finish. Finished the day binking a €50 UO ticket to round off a pretty good little afternoon of play :)

    Profit/loss for the day: €25.72


    Sunday 30/04/17

    With it being the May Day weekend I was due to DJ 2-6pm but it got switched to 8-12 so I missed out on all the juicy Sunday action. I did play a few things in the morning/afternoon with mixed results. Bricked 2 €10 UO sats and could not go back to back in the deepstack turbo. On the plus side I won €2 in a PLO flip and binked a €4 turbo for €47 so it was another profitable session and a great way to end the month.


    Profit/loss for the day: €35.66 



    • +/- for the month: -€339.44 (BR Total: €249.09)
    • Days played: 27
    • Losing days: 14
    • Winning/Break Even days: 13
    • Sessions/Games played - Cash: 12, SNGs: 4, MTTs: 218
    • ROIs - Cash: 23.14% , SNGs: 116.55% , MTTs: 7.79% 


    Goals for April

    • Get out the hole and start playing with profit again :Teardrop:
    • Blog regularly and post hands for discussion and analysis that will be helpful to the community. :Wonder:
    • Qualify for the Sat Stack/Sun Entitled whenever possible :Waterfall:
    • Build UO ticket stack :Speechless:
    • Community League victory! :Rofl:
    • CRUSH @IanSimpson's BOUNTY BASED SOUL!! :Thumbsup::Cash:🆒


    I'm getting pretty good at playing some of my best poker when I'm donking my money off elsewhere on the site. Positive ROIs in all disciplines and multiple decent cashes wiped from the record books by one moment of madness, but what can you do? Well just exclude yourself from everything and focus on poker I guess :Rofl:. The rest of the goals for the month didn't go too well. I constantly missed the league games through work and my bounty obsession, I've not posted a hand since 2016 or something and I never qualified for any of the big weekend MTTs.

    The only win for the month was defeating my new arch nemesis and all round gentleman Ian Simpson in the prop bet. It was getting very close at the end of the month and I think if he didn't have so many real life events to attend he probably would have overtaken me and won the bet. I'm still going to take it though and bask in the glory come the start of June when he has to wear a silly costume. It was fun to hang with the big boys at the €25 stakes but I think it'll be time to mingle with the minions at the €4 level for the foreseeable future.

    On the UO front I'm doing slightly better than when I started the month.. well I think I am..


    I could have €150 in tickets, I could have €210.. depends on which bit of the client you believe :Rofl:. I'm pretty sure I started the month with €100 so either way I'm up.


    Goals for May

    • Get out the hole and start playing with profit again
    • Blog regularly and post hands for discussion and analysis that will be helpful to the community.
    • Build UO ticket stack
    • Community League victory!
    • Qualify for UO UK Glasgow


    May is going to be a weird one. There are so many big MTT series running during May on the dark parts of the web that I can't really see myself playing a lot on Unibet. Having said that I'd like to get into Glasgow on the cheap so I'll be firing UO UK sats whenever I can. With everyone trying to get to Copenhagen I can see the UO sats being juicier as well so hopefully I can build that roll too.

    I was going to have a rant about Unibet not competing on the MTT series front but I suppose dropping a €50K kinda makes up for it :)


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  9. Hello stats fans!

    As a warm up for this months 'end of month' I thought we'd have a quick look at some of the numbers so far in pretty graphs :) 

    Let's look at the big one first, the bankroll.


    As you can see it's quite the graph. I wish It could be just a poker bankroll graph because I think it would have looked like a gradual positive line but it's not so it looks like a mountain range instead :) It's also hurt be the withdrawal in Feb for UO London but overall I think it's a positive graph that shows steady profit when I'm not being silly with other games.



    Not that anyone didn't know this already but I play MTTs mostly and the monthly breakdown of games show this pretty well. The big spike in December was for the Around the world promo I think and the same for the Moving on up SNG promo last month. Cash play is pretty consistent at the bare minimum to complete monthly missions.



    This is my favourite graph because it's complete madness. Up until last month I was recording games I played using tickets as a 0 buy in fee so when I won things it would create a massive ROI as my 'investment' as I saw it was nothing. NMPfan kindly pointed out that this was not the best way to go about things and that I should really record each game at the official buy in and then just comp myself the ticket back as cash on the results to balance the books. The ROI looks a lot more normal for the last month or two so it's creating a more accurate picture of my results which is good. Having said that, the 100%+ ROI on SnGs is actually correct this month as I've only played 4 and won 3, including a €10 at the start of the month. :Cool:

    I don't think there is much else I could really report as a graph as far as results go that would be of any benefit to myself or the blog. MathrimC did mention maybe adding days and times to things but even if I did see a trend where I won more on a Tuesday over a Thursday or before 5pm over after 5pm it wouldn't stop me playing. I considered doing the same thing with 6 max and 9 max but again I don't think it really matters to me as a fun player. I'll just play whatever is running, I've never worried about picking the 'best' games, especially on Unibet.

    There you go, some 'fun' graphs to look at. If you have any questions or queries let me know 

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  10.  The ups and downs of April

    Man I have been slacking in the blog department :(. Apologies for this, I will explain my absence in the upcoming paragraphs and get you up to speed on what's been happening in the world of MoreTBC (or Andy to the people I've met) since the last post.

    It's going to be a slightly different style this time around because I've basically been playing exactly the same block of tournaments whenever I play because of the bounty promo/prop bet so I figured I'd just skim over the weeks as I'm so farbehind :)


    That was the results for the week following my last post (Monday to Sunday). Best get the the most obvious number out of the way first :( Anyone who has read any of the previous posts will know exactly where the €500 went and I've basically been too embarrassed to write about it until now :). After typing out earlier in the month that there would absolutely not be another slots blowup I got bored at work decided to ruin all my hard work in poker again. I can imagine you all reading this, rolling your eyes and saying to yourself 'will he ever learn?'. Don't worry, nobody felt more stupid about it than me :) Strangely, losing the money wasn't the bit I was fussed about. I was more upset at the fact I had put myself in a position where I couldn't comfortably compete against Ian in the prop bet without possibly having to deposit again and that I was getting so close to hitting a 4 figure BR on Unibet and torched it, AGAIN! 😠. I've now had a lovely chat with support and they happily accepted my request to just perm exclude games from my account so I can safely say there will never be anotehr blowup :) 

    With that out the way lets talk about some positives from the week.

    • A 5th in the Community league for some good points
    • Going on a rampage in a Ten-X turbo bounty collecting 15 heads and the gold trophy for €160
    • Winning the very next MTT I played 2 days later, the morning 4, for €38
    • 4 other FTs

    I didn't feel like I was playing well so I think I was just lucky to get the results. I fired a decent amount on the Saturday and Sunday and bricked everything. The BR was at the lowest point it's been in a few months. :(

    Luckily my gf had booked a few nights away in Newcastle at random without telling me and that's how my week started. It was perfect timing and a great opportunity to clear the head and forget about my stupidity in the previous week. I had a lovely time and definitely felt refreshed when I got home on the Wednesday night.


    By the time we got back I could only get in to the two €10 bounties but I managed to get 3rd in one of them to start my BR revival. I was basically firing €55 of buyins every day for the bounty league/prop and at this point the BR was just over €170 so management was well out the window and it was basically go hard or go home time :) Not wanting to do the 'go home' part I was really trying to play my best and make good decisions. Unfortunately it didn't help and I ended up down €10 over the week. Not to worry though, I was still ahead in the prop bet and comfortably in the top 10 of the high leaderboard.


    Monday 24/04/17

    Monday was one of the most fun nights I've had playing poker in a long time, both on and off the virtual felt. I have not laughed at a twitch stream as much as I did during David Lappins one on Monday. I urge everyone to go to https://www.twitch.tv/videos/137808161, skip to about the 16 minute mark, sit back and enjoy the absolute carnage as Ian and David play a €100 SnG against each other. It was one of the best ways to start a session and really put me in a good mood for the night. 

    On the tables I had easily my best night of the month. David had jumped into the €50 UO sat that was running and I figured I would do the same with my last remaining ticket. I ended up winning the thing and getting a €250 ticket (which I've now chopped back up into 50s and 10s). I won the Ten-X Turbo Bounty for the second time in the month for €110, final tabled a €4 turbo and strangest of all finished 4th in the Daily 4 :Wow:. Well on the road to recovery now :) 

    Profit/loss for the day: €117.98


    Tuesday 25/04/17

    Not such a good day :(. Did not make it ITM in any MTTs I played. I did manage to get 4 bounties in the €25 to extend my depleted lead against Ian, who had clawed his deficit back to 5 points before the start of the week.

    Profit/Loss for the day: -€39.29 


    So there we go, bang up to date again. It's been an emotional and financial rollercoaster but we're out the other side again and doing just fine :). I feel like I'm focused on my play again and in a good position with the BR that I can play the games I need to and not go bust before the end of the month :) Ian only has 2 streams at most to catch up as I think he's got a stag doo this weekend and I'm 18 points ahead (spoiler alert: I won the morning €10 bounty this morning) so I -think- I should be safe from a costume in Glasgow. I'm also a single point away from 5th in the leaderboard and an extra €100 in prize money so all is to play for. I'm at the point now where I have 20 recorded results so getting single bounties is no use anymore, I need to get 2 or more in a single MTT for it to mean anything. I've really enjoyed the promo and am really disappointed there are only a few days left.

    I'll sort out a quick end of month review with stats next week, hopefully gloat about winning the prop bet and have a big ol' moan about there being no MTT promo next month when every other site is running massive MTT series. :)

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  11. Thursday 06/04/17

    In a rare moment for me I sat down at a cash table to start the session, and won. With a mission to complete I hit the NL4 streets and put in some work. I came out the other side up 2.5 buy ins and ran away with my bag of swag laughing into the sunset.

    I live in Scotland so there is no sun or sunset so I laughed my way into a full schedule of bounty tournaments instead. The laughing stopped pretty quickly as I could not get a bounty to save my live and bricked all 6 I played :( I also bombed in the community league and played 3 €10 UO sats and ended up only winning back one ticket. I actually forgot I was playing the sat and because the table prioritisation has stopped working for me I sat out until I busted. I had a decent stack too so would have had a good shot at a €50.

    I forgot about the table because I played some slots and was winning. Ended up closing the browser €80 up, this strict regime I've given myself when it comes to slots is working well :)

    Profit/loss for the day: €17.19


    Friday 07/04/17

    I wasn't expecting to play on Friday but had plans cancelled so another day to get ahead in the bounty leaderboard/prop bet was had. Started off doing my bit for the Unibet community by testing a new release of the client. It fixed the graphics bug people were having and probably more importantly for me table prioritisation. I lost 59 cents helping make sure the client works for you guys, I hope you appreciate that! :Cool:

    I fired on Andrei's tennis bets during the day as the odds were high and 'In Andrei we trust'. I didn't win :(

    I now have a pretty solid schedule of bounties to play. At the €4 level there is the deepstack and the 'early' and at €10/25 there is the PLO Bounty and 3x NLHE ones. They're spaced out nicely over a 3 1/2 hour period and tend to not get in the way of each other so I've really been enjoying playing them :) I'm not trying to win the 'low' league at all but the €4 ones are tourneys I've always played and they're good value with all the wild play this month. I'm sitting in the 50s somewhere on the low board so I don't expect to win anything but if I can scrape a min cash I'll be happy.

    I had a mixed bag on Friday. Started off with 2 bounties in the deepstack but finished well before the money and then finished 2 off the money in the PLO. I then went on a heater in the €25 NLHE and scooped a graveyard filling 9 bounties on my way to 2nd place. €180 profit and a massive boost to the leaderboard and prop bet. I played like a complete idiot heads up and paid the price with second to be honest. I wish I could go back and review it because there were so many mistakes but I think I was just happy with the bounties at that point.

    I didn't collect any more bounties in the remaining tourneys and finished the day winning a HU SNG and playing some PLO to complete missions and then dusting most of my slots profit from the day before to celebrate my 2nd place :Rofl:

    Profit/loss for the day: €70.85


    Saturday 08/04/17

    I was working at night so had to miss all the main bounty tourneys. Played a little afternoon session that started with clearing missions, lost a €4 HU SNG and then won nearly a buy in at NL4. There was a €10 turbo ante bounty running during the afternoon so I hopped into that and it was an eye opener. If you thought the play was wild in the regular bounties you should see the action in the ante ones. :Wow:. Seeing flops with 6+ players in it was regular and people would throw all their chips in with 3rd pair or worse. It was fairly easy to abuse as you could just raise really big preflop and people would come along because they had already put a few chips in. I ended up finishing 8th for a mincash and took one bounty for a spectacular €3 profit.

    I played the afternoon €4 bounty which ended up being a good one as I got 5 bounties and 13th for €7. Actual cash return wasn't great but a 5 bounty MTT can only be a good thing for the leaderboard. Played a UO sat and didn't cash and then lost on the Grand National to round out the day :)

    Profit/loss for the day: -€27.88


    Sunday 09/04/17

    I was hungover on Sunday :Puking:. I spent the afternoon watching the GP and generally feeling sorry for myself. While browsing twitter slumped on my couch I noticed that Ian was streaming. Bit early for him I thought so I fired up the stream to find out he was going out on Sunday evening and wouldn't be playing late. Well that was all the motivation I needed to get an extra bounty session in :Cheeky:. 

    Fired a UO sat to start and ended up getting my ticket back and then hit the SE last chance streets. Bombed both the €5 and €10 and then lost in the flip too, no Sunday Entitled for me :( Played another UO sat but did not cash, getting to the secret 3rd UO stop is going to be harder than I imagined.

    In bounty land I started off by picking up a single head in the €4 deepstack before getting knocked out. Next up was the PLO bounty and things went much better. So much better in fact that I ended up picking up the gold trophy for the win. That's right, we're winning PLO tournaments now it seems. 5 glorious bounties to add to the leaderboard and €100 into the BR. I sent Ian a picture of my win this morning (Monday) as a daily needle.

    That win was followed up by a cash in the Community League. 8th place for €12 and some seriously needed points. Played the Sunday deepstack and did terribly. I think I got knocked out when someone called my large 3-bet with 52 or something and beat my KK. I'm going to add it to my list of MTTs I do terribly in for no apparent reason along with the Daily 4 :Rofl:.

    I managed to cash both the €10 NLHE bounties, a 10th in the reg speed along with 3 bounties and 7th in the turbo with no bounties :( €16 profit but more importantly some more bounty points to secure lead in the prop bet. 

    Profit/loss for the day: €74.98


    Things are not looking good for poor @IanSimpson. The current bounty prop bet score is 47-17 in my favour. 47 points also puts me in 6th on the leaderboard and 2 points behind 5th. Unfortunately I'm 42 points behind the leader who has been crushing it but I'll honestly be happy with a top ten finish in a promotion I'm not bankrolled for and is a little above my skill level.

    Make sure you check out https://www.twitch.tv/iansimpsonpoker from 5pm UK time so we can all enjoy Iany stress out about potentially wearing a silly costume in Glasgow :)


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