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Posts posted by BillyR23

  1.  thanks for your reply :)

    But I actually won one time before(also at DaVitsche's stream) and it was no problem getting the ticket... 

    I play with the same alias (BillyR23) since Thursday and it's no hurry to get the ticket, I just wanted to ask and see if everything is ok... free things are awesome anytime and I don't mind waiting 🆒

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  2.  it was just the usual raffle and I was one of the lucky 20 winners of a 4 euro ticket, he asked for my alias and that's pretty much it(I follow the Unibet chanel on twitch for a while now and tomorrow I'll subscribe too as I enjoy watching the 3-4 streams/ week 🆒 ); no other requirement ...

  3. Hi all,

    I didn't want to start a new topic just for a question about a 4 euro MTT ticket that I won at DaVitsche's twitch stream on Thursday; I didn't receive it and he said it should take just around 1 day, shoud I ask anyone if there is a problem or just wait more? 

    PS. I didn't change my alias since then (still BillyR23), so it shouldn't be any problem with that... I'm new on Twitch and here, so please have patience with me ✋

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  4. Radwanska always looks tired (if I have to compare her with someone from ATP, I would say Andy Murray), that's her style to be a little "lazy", just counter-attact and wait for the unforced error from the opponent...

    Keys had a maraton match against Kvitova(I didn't think she can win the deciding set, she was pretty lucky to reach the tiebreak) and I doubt she'll be 100% vs Konta, I'll back Konta for sure here at a very good odd... or I'll just avoid this encounter

    PS. GL all from me too :)

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  5.  thanks for your reply 🆒  ATM I try to get used to the site and learn the rules; also everything seems explained in details(you guys did a great job) and I just need to read carefully to not miss important things.

    But if in the future I'll have some questions, I won't hesitate to ask around.

    Have a nice day :)

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