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Posts posted by fest_student


    Played 45 game since last update, feeling good about my game right now. But ofc I'm running hot also.


    Games played since last update: 45 games

    Result: +104€



    Games played: 266

    Result: +505€



    So, the 500€ mark is also passed, feels also good. Starting to realize that I took an ambitious goal for the volume for the challenge. Still 744 games left 😄 But I start to like this game format a lot, and I've also found a bigger motivation to study the game. 

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    played 13 more games tonight, and decided to post the results directly (will do it from now on always even its been a short session, makes counting easier). I feel good about my game right now. Took today many screenshots from difficult spots, will later on try to figure out what would've been the right way to play those spots.


    Challenge update:

    Games played since last update: 13

    result: +38€



    Games played: 221

    Result: 401€


    400€ mark passed, feels good

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  3. Update


    Have played 98 games since last update, pretty break even. Some good sessions and some bad sessions, variance. Noticed that I usually tend to lose on Mondays (not today) since I tend to drink two days in a row on weekends. SNGs are pretty intensive, especially when they are pretty much shorthanded on unibet. One other thing which is different to MTTs is that in these sngs we go a lot more to the flop shortstacked. These are pretty new situations for me and need a lot focus, which can be difficult while being hangovered.



    Games played since last update: 98

    Result: -30€


    Games played: 208

    Result: +363€

  4. Update

    Atm recovering from the surgery, have anyway played the community league and a few sngs on the side today.

    After last update:

    games played: 18

    result: +89€


    Project update

    Games played: 110

    result: +393€

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  5. Update:


    as mentioned earliwr, been lazy af with playing. Been sick and had a lot of other things going on. Tomorrow i’ll have a surgery, so will be off from work for the rest of the week so I’ll at have time to grind if I feel good.


    anyway been studying a lot of ICM solutions, and played today a few games before champions league.


    games played: 17

    resutl: 83€



    games played: 92

    result:+ 304€



  6. On 05/04/2024 at 07:11, Estzen said:

    You might have a nice potential there- even at €25s - few days ago, I saw a guy calling vs 3bet jam with 52o! - What can I say, poker iz not dead, its so alive that its hard to believe that some just cannot make money. But of course, if most people lounge on a sofa, and hit it like a slotmatchine.. or jam waiting their next draw... where do we get... to the MOON! GL.😂

    Well mooving up in stakes is ofc the main goal, but before that i should play more since I’ve been lazy af with the volume😂

    and yes, poker is not dead. And nice to see that unibet is doing solid work in busting chetars, since rta is nowadays one of the biggest threats to online poker.

    do you play SNGs alot? Would be nice to discuss the game some more with you or anybody who plays as a reg 10€ or higher 5handed sngs.

  7. The challenge continues

    Been busy and sick during last week, so didn't play at all games which belongs to this challenge. Only mtts and some other drunk games with friends.


    Today I started studying icm spots in 5man sngs, and realized that I've been doing some mistakes before.

    Started the session with some drills before I started playing. Played for about 2hours and a bit over 30 games.


    Results of the challenge after last session

    Games played: 31

    Result: 123€


    Result of the challenge

    Games played: 75/1000

    Result: 221€


    This week it time to grind Moore.




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  8. Edit

    As I said in the last post, I was so excited to continue so I couldn't wait. Played 4 more games, and managed to win some more.

    So edited day 1 result

    Day1 result (Game format 10€ 5sng):

    Games played: 44

    Result: +98€

    • Like 5
  9. Day 1

    So day 1 in the books. Started the session with studying opening ranges for 5handed no ante some rutine work nothing special.

    Then played 3h. My game felt pretty good, did some bluffs that was bit unneccecary, but all in all I'm happy with my game. I felt really confident by my decisions. So getting back to the sngs was a positive experience. The field was interesting, so I'm excited to continue the challenge.

    Day 1 results

    Games played: 40

    Result: +59€







    • Like 4
  10. 1 minute ago, 3ofClub said:

    I haven't played on 10€, not yet. Must win som money first. I'm more comfortable on 1€. All I know is that it's the same crap cards everywhere. lol.

    Ok thanks fo the input brother. Do you meen by "crap cards" that the cards look better on other sites than unibet? is it more enjoyable to play at other sites with differently looking cards?

  11. 10 minutes ago, 3ofClub said:

    Good luck.

    Maybe I join you in one of those tables.


    Have you played these a lot? what do you think about the level of the regs at 10€ sngs nowadays. Haven't played them for a while.

  12. Hi,

    Have been playing semi seriously mtt:s for now, with a 15€ abi. I'm on a downswing for now, and lost the joy to the game for a bit. 

    Decied to find back the joy, and thought that the best way would  be to get back to the roots and start to grind the unibet 10€ 5men sng tables. The idea is to study at least 1h/day ranges and other strategies and play also everyday. In the beginning I will Olay only 4 tables at a time since its a bit different and faster poker from mtts.


    This challenge is following:

    start bankroll: 200

    Games that ill need to play to pass the challenge: 1000 games

    I know that a bigger bankroll would be better, but if this challenge starts with a 200€ downswing in these games I'll happily stop the challenge.

    Interested to see what the result will be, or do we go broke before that. we'll see.

    wish me luck

    • Like 3
  13. Dear Unibet,

    You are definitely best in the business when it comes to nlheSNG's. The 5max turbo is a perfect structure for this format. The amount of players in the pool is an evidence of this. Anyway, I think that there's many players who have totally missed this format on this site. 

    This is why I suggest a promo, so every player in the world could get a chance to really enjoy this breath taking experience, playing your SNG's! 

    Something like the last SNG leaderboard promo would be nice, but this time I'd like to see lower stakes including. 

    You have really done a great job with these SNG's, and I can't see why a leaderboard promo wouldn't be anything else but a good idea!

    So what do you guys think? This would mean a lot to me.

    (at least I did my best with this sales pitch) 😄

    • Like 2
  14. Did not play much this week. Should grind more next week, mostly sngs. Made a promise that I will play only on Unibet until next sunday, this forces me to play sngs because there's never enough MTTs running on this site at the same time. From the games this week I got a strong sign of that sngs is my type of game.

    result of the week: +161€

    • Like 5
  15. Ye BOIIII

    2nd session of the week, played 2h today and 1h on Monday XD have made profit from both SNG(main game) and MTTs. Won one mtt today, same as exactly one week ago. have needed some time off from the game, and it helped. Did not tilt, I really enjoyed playing today while listening to some good music. 


    Näyttökuva 2021-5-20 kello 2.11.24.png

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  16. @successlaw yes I do. 6-10 tables. But from now I’ll mostly just play sngs, 6 tables at a time. Thats the maximal alpint for me to play those games since they are short handed most of the time.

    this summer will probably be the last ride for me in poker. So game selection and a good result is the only thing that matters.

    • Like 1
  17. This week:  -130.....

    Lost almost 200€ at another site, not good. Fortunately I've been playing good poker at Unibet.

    So, they say you will get the best out of yourself if you focus on one thing. Well this is exactly what I'm going to do for now on. For some reason I play much better poker at SNG's and small field MTT's, you can't really call them MTT's. One reason is that I've played more SNG's than MTTs, and they differ a lot when the SNG's I play are 5handed. And of course, the field is softer.  So, the SNG's will be the thing next week. And yes downswings come and go, but this downswing effected my game too much at MTTs so a break from them is better.

    I also got a new thing going on, an opportunity I had to take. This means that from august I cannot expect having any time for poker. And starting from today I need to use much time every week for this new thing. This is one big reason to why I will mostly focus on SNGs now. Better to use these upcoming months to play the game mode I'm more comfortable with. 

    So, now I would need some help from you guys! Do you know any software (free) which I could easily use to do a graph over my SNGs? I don't even know how to do it on an excel. I have ofc no problem to count the games and put them here to every update, but a graph would be nice to have.


    • Like 6
  18. Hi how are you thanks I'm fine.


    Well I won the last one. nice nice... Its also nice because I won a 10€ticket with 2 €, so I basically paid 2€ for that win. I think I had good luck with whom I had against me when we were short handed at final table. These guys didn't know what push fold is, and I think they were scared money because they started to just limp pre as soon as we were 4 left. It almost turned out to be a disaster (that would have been finishing 3rd) because these limpers had better board reads than I :(... And 3rd place would have been a real disaster since I had 60k when we were 6 left. I felt overall really good how I played this one, for once it felt like I was patient enough. 


    BTW! It would be really nice to have more communication with you poker guys and gals. Does some of you have discord (or something similar), or maybe a discord channel I could join?  It would be cool to share some hand histories and talk generally more about this game. It feels a bit lonely when I don't know anyone who plays poker 😄

    Näyttökuva 2021-5-13 kello 1.57.15.png

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  19. well this happened in a 2kGTD mtt, It was near the bubble and I had almost the shipload stack, which was 8x starting stack. It was only one hand between these two... In both spots villains instant betted all in pre flop. In the first one villain had near 40bb. think I lost a bit today, but have 1 mtt left on Unibet.

    Näyttökuva 2021-5-13 kello 0.11.23.png

    Näyttökuva 2021-5-13 kello 0.11.55.png

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