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Group: Two Pairs
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Everything posted by HensiePensie

  1. Thanks for letting me know, i am still unsure what happened, but i made a new one that should work https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1795434266
  2. Thanks Purps, and i made a little instructional video based on your post https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1795403573 GLGL
  3. I did not have Captcha problems from the start, but i think it started the day before yesterday (11-4-2023) over here, today i needed to login and check my expiry dates on tickets/use them in time. and had anout 2,5 minutes of F ing it up. Made a "short" clip about it, i am cursing a lot, so if you don't like that, dont watch it. Rated Mature and stuff also said it on discord before, but i got a static IP, so i should have been whitelisted imo, that doesn't solve the problem though for like 99% of the people having this issue, because most IP's are dynamic https://we.tl/t-t8xTZgavtr
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