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NL25 bet sizes

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The default raise size is 2 BB, but when you press the + button, it goes straight from 2 to 3 BB, and I have to press the - button to go from 3 BB to 2.4 BB (which is the raise size I actually want). There is already a button for 3 BB raise size, so the fact that the plus button also gets me to 3 BB is completely redundant. Would be good if it was changed so that when I press + it just goes to 2.4 BB.

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Posted (edited)

cool. but i don't even need it to be custom honestly lol. like the main thing is that on the onset there are 2 buttons that do exactly the same thing ('+' and '3BB') for 25NL. so even for players that don't customise, '+' should just go to 2.4.

Edited by AeronEe1
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