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A problem with a bet


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hey everyone, first sorry for my bad english, im french... So i have a problem wit a bet, I wanted to bet on two basketball matches, a combination: an over between glasgow and lions and a handicap between promete and gipuzoka, I bet a sum of19 euros, when I therefore wanted to bet on these two meetings and i clicked on the bet button it was 7:47 p.m. ( i know exactly because my pc clock is just next of the bet tab) and when I pressed bet it was not done directly, the bet slip was spinning without the bet being placed so I saw at this moment that the meeting between promete and gipuzoka was in grey  which means that we can no longer bet on the match and then this match has completely disappeared from live bets. So I thought to myself that the bet was going to be rejected as it often does and so I left the page thinking that the bet had not been placed but I have just discovered in my bets that the combination has all the same been placed but more than 30 seconds after pressing bet because the bet was placed at 7:48:25 ... thats a bit strange... So after that i contacted the french helpdesk by mail several times but they act like thats normal, thats not their fault and the act like a robot with only refer to the "second article about bet" blahblah, they never answer why the bet was placed so llong time after i pressed bet, why the match between these two teams disappear for betting in unibet... I m in unibet since 2016 and i make every month a deposit of 100/200 euros so i think i can have a bit of respect for them....


10 mars 2021 à 19:48:25


Type de paris


La mise:€19.00


ID du coupon 3410307305

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