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Portugal - Wales


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Tonight we'll have the first finalist, Portugal or Wales. Wales qualified to the tournament first time in history, and they immediately reached the top 4.They won 3-1 against Belgium in the quarterfinals, and after that I think they are in the best shape of the final 4 team. Portugal won against Poland with penalties, they have 5 draws in the torunament so far (won in the additional time against England). Wales will miss Davies and Ramsey tonight (because of yellow cards), while Portugal will miss W.Carvalho (also because of yellow cards). I think Wales will control this match, and they'll score at least 2 goals. The Portuguese team wants to be in the final again after 2004, but I don't think they can beat this Welsh team.My prediction is that Wales will win in regular time, and Bale will score at least one goal. What do you guys think?

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I hope Wales will defeat Portugal.

Ronaldo's team, doesn't deserve even this place (4th).

I bet on Wales all the way ... 2 goals by Bale, Wales to win, Wales to win and 3+ ...

P.S. I'm a fan of Real Madrid but i don't like Ronaldo. :smileyvery-happy:

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I think Portugal will win in 90 minutes, at worst maybe another draw, but then I think again Portugal in extra time. Wales misses Ramsey which is a huge blow for the team, Ramsey-Bale is the couple with most passes to each other in the tournament. Portugal is a decent team (Pepe, Sanchez and Nani all play a good tournament). What matters is that Portugal are with the last 4, not if it is deserved looking to the previous performances or results; winners peak when needed. (Portugal still worth taking to win tournament @4.25 imo, would be the icing on the cake for Ronaldo's career ;))

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This is a tough one, because in a way it's "heart against heart" for me. Unfortunately my dream of seeing Iceland and Wales battle it out for the gold is now over, but I'd still like to see Wales make it through to the finals. They've done so well and certainly deserve the success. On the other hand, I bet on Portugal to win the Euros - and I happen to have a soft spot for Ronaldo - so if they don't win tonight I hope he at least manages to score a few goals. :smileyhappy: But I wouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be a 0-0 draw with overtime and penalties. Then again, both teams are missing players and they don't have the same prerequisites as before, so anything can happen...

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Hey ... believe they can become a fun games these Portuguese attack on Wales counter ... you can probably eh an idea to play the corners in the game ore 3-1 to Portugal .... but if I had my way, I want to see Wales win I'd love fun robb-75

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Congrats to Portugal. Bale sure fought well for his Wales, and even though it wasn't quite enough they should still be proud for making it all the way to the semi finals. And as a side note, that hug between Bale and Ronaldo after the game was really sweet to see. :smileyhappy:

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