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Bounty amount missing on one or more players at the table

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In bounty MTTs one or more players will have their bounty amount missing for usually for 1 hand but can happen for more hands. This typically happens on a table move, either you moving to another table, or other players getting moved to your table. 

It's a pretty bad bug as bounties are a pretty big part of playing bounty mtt's, so for at least one hand if not more you're essentially playing blind.

TUPDATE the root of all evil!!!

There seem to be 2 separate causes for the bounty bug:

1. Cause 1 is not receiving a tupdate, which covers 80% of the times this bug occurs and will generally be missing for only 1 hand.

So what happens in this case is a player gets moved to your table, but you don't receive a tupdate with this new player to initialize him, then you receive a correct bounties payload, but because the player is not initialized it will not add his bounty, and then you receive an init that will initialize the players, but it's too late for the bounty so that player will be left without a bounty. Next hand you will receive a tupdate and a bounties and the bounty will be displayed correctly. This is the scenario that can be observed in vid1 here and in the secret section.

I've checked all the other table moves over the course of a few days and all the ones that display a bounty have received a tupdate.

Now in vid2 in the secret section you can see the correct way it should function, each player getting moved to the table, there will be a tupdate, a bounties, and will immediately appear at the table. So the moment a player gets moved to the table the server should just send a tupdate that very moment not wait for the interhand period and all will be good right? But wait a minute, if a tupdate gets received during a hand then you will encounter the following 2 bugs, so you can't do that with the current setup: 


This is just a guess, but maybe the tupdate necessary here does not get sent because the player gets moved too close to the start of the hand and that gets prevented in order to not break the hand in the way observed above.

If you could receive a tupdate or another signal with a similar function in the middle of the hand without breaking the hand, a lot of things could be unlocked: 

  • Players could instantly appear at the table they are moved to (as sitting in) instead of the weird freeze that happens now
  • Players could instantly press play to sit back in if they end up sitting out during the current hand instead of the current awkward wait till the next hand which if you will be UTG is very dangerous
  • Might fix the previous bugs and the next bug where other players don't see that you sat in until they make your move:


2. Cause 2 is more rare but even more problematic. As you can see in vid3 (here and secret section) during the move you receive a correct tupdate and bounties and init, but 1 or more players will be missing their bounties permanently, for some reason all subsequent tupdates and bounties will not fix it.

Resizing the table will not fix the issue as it does for many graphics layout issues. The only way to see the bounty is to close the table and reopen it.

Don't know what's causing it but if the other one gets fixed it's already a massive improvement. 


In vid4 you will see the elusive wombo-combo, both the in play table and the spectating table missing bounties at the same time, while spectating the other table when those tables get merged (spectating the other table is very common when near the money or near a payjump). 

You will see that the rail table receives a tupdate for 3 players, and the bounties for them, and only those players will have bounties even though further bounties transmissions get received, so Cause 1.

On the in play table you will notice tupdates for moving each player from the current table to the new table, but no tupdate with all the players of the new table so no bounties get displayed. Again Cause 1. Exact same scenario as vid5 and vid6 (both same tournament)


vid1 - bounties missing tupdate missing 1 hand:

vid3 bounty missing until table restart:

Rest of the videos and the logs in the secret section.

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Yes. This does happen.
Let me put it in pictures, during many minutes.
There's a guy up top, without bountyamount.
And the bounty never gets there on that player.
so not a first hand issue after table change.






bounty2 .png

Edited by Rushbie
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Did a deeper dive into bounties and updated the main post with more info, videos, videos with logs, logs 👍

Main conclusion, tupdate is the devil 👿 

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