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Bluetooth audio with mobile app

  • Priority: No Priority Status: Backlog candidate

Others can judge if this is bug, only my equipment related or more common one but audio with bluetooth blugs is often laggy, delayed or totally missing audio for some parts. Quite a difference between using bluetooth: 

 And phone speaker:


Could be just my device related but what speaks against it is that no such problems with other poker apps. 

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I'll test this one tomorrow if I can find the time. Never actually tried to play with audio through bluetooth on the Android app

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I did some tests and noticed something similar. There's no sound for certain pre/postflop actions with bluetooth or wired headphones. With the phone speaker it seems ok, but the sample in this case is approx. 4 min.

Tested on Samsung S7, android 8. 

Bluetooth: missing sounds pre - dana622 + bankomata, on flop boss0072


wired headphones: missing sounds pre - biriklovn

wired headphones: missing sounds on flop - biriklovn



Edited by Phlo23
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