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Posts posted by Detru

  1. 41 minutes ago, Xerka23 said:

    This was not normal. But no worries I didn't do anything on your account. And I will delete the screenshots.

    Pretty outrageous situation from GDPR point of view. Not happy about account details being able to leak like this even though there's nothing that interesting on my details 🤐

  2. 18 minutes ago, Xerka23 said:

    it appears another account from Finland. I made screenshots, but I don't want to give out their personal details. 

    Interested if accounts holders initials are J.S

  3. Well first of all folding is the only bad thing to do. Just flatting with AK is a pretty weak play in a game without ICM so raise is the button to click. Generally we should pick a size where we can also bluff. Just jamming really doesn't accomplish this. However as an exploit against 3,2bb opensize and sitting-out player 3bet-jamming makes some sense. My preference still is to 3bet to 9bbs and go from there 😃


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  4. 72: I'm just folding the turn or even preflop. So many better hands to call oop. Riverjam seems spewy but I guess you can bluff bottom of your range anyways.

    T6: Important to think about what we do with 54, 65, 86, T8, J8, JT. Without bdfd I would be very careful with checkraising since quite quickly we are bluffing so much that villain can call us with any pair.

    K2: wp, this is quads or air most likely so K-high is the same thing as 6x

    Q3: Building the pot when having a strong hand is the way to go but what is the range you are min-checkraising with?

    • Like 1
  5. Also I didn't get refund from €25 HUSNG which was going on (15th) when both players were disconnected. Managed to log in just when both were auto-allin due to huge blinds and lost that all-in. Tried to search the client but apparently hands are not saved when you are disconnected.

  6. Maybe Hexas had something to do with HUSNGs getting very tough? All those leaderboards and guaranteed jackpots probably attracted most players to Hexas rather than to 2-max SNGs :teardrop:

    Also for me games have been just almost impossible to beat. TheNr playing €4 games again, JJenna playing €10 games rather than €100's, Eutenant not playing at all. February was a slighty losing month and March was basically break-even for me. Don't know where I should be playing next, deffo not at Unibet if games remain what they are. Maybe have to start playing those donkaments as well 😏

    SNGs 1225
    Rake €1 099,29
    Profit/Loss €168,50 
    ABI €29,91
    ROI 0,46%

    • Like 3

  7. @Brocky wrote:

    You did give me a chuckle when you said LIEutentant is a top reg though!


    How would you rate my game against those 3 players you mention? Sefero is the best of the 3 but runs ridiculous in card distribution, he just always has it. TheNr23 is not great but wins so many all ins that poker is easy for him.


    I would give you my spreadsheet but its quite fiddly and I often update it which is just a hassle because I’ve given it to a couple of friends and it’s non-stop questions I could do without.


    You should start your own blog here, I’d follow for sure! Gl

    Well against those three guys I have played the most. I'm sure other players also change nicknames from time to time so can't be 100% sure who is who. Haven't seen sefero playing in a while but yeah he is the best from those three. I respect him a lot since he just knows to punish the maximum when he has range-advantage and puts you every time to a really tough spots.  Basically isn't a nit, doesn't limpfold too much and so on.

    TheNr23 likes to play more like a preflopshove-style with Ax regardless of stack size. Seems to hit the ace pretty often so I feel you 🤣 Was playing €4 games like a few months ago so clearly has raised his ABI. 

    Eutentant imo little bit too nitty and sometimes spazzy but still I'm not happy when I see him in front of me.

    To be clear not claiming that I'm better than those people 😃


    About the Excel yeah I need to figure it out myself or else I'm spamming your blog with constant questions about the spreadsheet :happyshy:

    I will think about that blogging-thingy for sure 👼



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  8. @Brocky wrote:

    Care to share any of your recent aliases? 

    Last days I've been playing as Vaevictis1.

    Also as AnnDroid, givememercy, BlackHawk8 and __---___----   I have played a bunch. Then sometimes I troll top regs as seferoo, TheNr24 and LEutenantHU :laugh:

    I mean the Excel-problem is that the info on that account history of buy-ins is marked as dash and not as minus so Excel can't calculate them automatically. I guess I need to learn more those formulas that I can modify them easily. Not really want to to invest a lot of time eventhough I want graphs 😏

    Results from last three months:


    SNGs 1719

    Rake 611,91€

    Profit 1268,92€

    ABI 11,87€

    ROI 6,22%


    SNGs 810

    Rake 579,30€

    Profit 968,82€

    ABI 23,84€

    ROI 5,02%


    SNGs 1360

    Rake 484,26€

    Loss 311,60€

    ABI 11,87€

    ROI -1,93%

    March has started pretty good so far :Cash1:


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  9. Just found this blog when I was downswinging on HUSNGs. Pretty sick results overall mate 😃 Funny to see that we have played quite a lot against each other. I'm playing like 1k SNGs per month with ROI 2-6% with ABI of 20€ roughly.  I change my nick constantly to avoid people taking notes from me. Don't know is this really a good strategy since regs tend to sit on my lobby when they see an unknown player :happyshy:

    Are you doing your graphs with Excel or Google Sheets? I tried to do similar but always ending up on a loop because when I copy the results from the account history I can't seem to be able to calculate buy-ins correctly. Up to this point I'm always requesting results-file from support but getting a graph like yours would be cool 😏


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