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Group: Straight
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Posts posted by kevanbt

  1. ok, I got an education the last time I asked for advice so im back.  I bought a 500 bonus points playthrough bonus a while ago and I loved it.   It gave me, i think, 500 hands to play at 10 nl and I played and made some money.   My question is if I use 2500 bonus points to get a 25 euro playthrough bonus what level of play will it be?   I still play 10 nl occasionsly but want to play 25 NL.   how do I assure i will get that level of playthrough bonus?   Lord I hope that makes sense.   Not only am I not a lot bright I am a bad writer.

  2. This is probably something I didn’t understand.  I played a 2 euro hexpro and the the display said we got 25x and said we were playing for 50 euros.  I was lucky enough to win but the display then said congratulations you won 40 euros and I’m pretty sure that amount was added to my account.  Being a tight fisted Canadian I’m just checking if a mistake was made.   Many thanks.   

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  3. This is probably little help to you, you’re probably more tech than I am but I play on an IiMac, fairly new, 4 years maybe, and I only play on the browser.  Apps not available for iMac or iPad.   I don’t not have any issues on iMac but have display issues, kind of like you describe, with iPad .

  4. Aggressive to get heads up, then concentrate on getting villain to bet, and the most important thing, lots of hands beat them, if you know he has you beat let them go, it’s just one hand 

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  5. im not sure how to answer without upseting you or sounding like one of those people i hate.  i just moved up a level to 25nl and am having good success.   the betting is a little over whelming at first but if I can get over that its money I do pretty well.  I am finding I have to be both tighter and more aggressive.   I also find the positional play much tighter and more " normal" .      maybe give it more time?

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  6. im just a player but I notice that you are a new member, often if a tournament does not get enogh players it will just not be played and the money is refunded into your account.  in my experience if a tournament is being played and your turn comes up it will load infront of whatever hand you have going.   Ive never had a tournament just blind me off if I was on playing on the system at the time

  7. gr1rrl3r  I am so glad you published this, I thought it was only me missing Aces but I have even more complaints, three of them exactly.  Online poker is just so unfair.   Maybe someone could look into them for me.   

    First, I got my pair of Aces but instead of getting them on time at my 212nd hand I got them at 211 and I was the big blind, then the whole table folded round to me and all I won was 2 cents!   So my question is since I got them at the wrong time will that guy with the four names not give them to me again for 212 hands or will I have to wait until 213 to get back in the proper rythem?

    2nd.  I"m not stupid so I didn't get vaxed or anything and the other day I played a tournamnet and won a 1 euro ticket, but here is the thing, it was a 9 seat tournament and I think I got the covid and was too sick to play the ticket.   So now will that guy with the 5 names give me an extension on the ticket?

    3rd.  I read on line that one third of european players believe in Aliens and I know for a fact that Unibet is a european site and I've got two friends, one from Milan and another from London and niether of them believes so do I have to believe in UFOs?   now hear me out cause I know an american and he says you cant make me believe anything.   I know that London went and packed up and left Europe, just moved the other day I think, so if I can get another friend in Europe that does believe then I"m ok , right?

    So should I just stay on line and wait for the guy with the 6 names to reply cause I really have to do to the bathroom now and I think I have to, oh well, oh dear, never mind.


  8. I don’t want to waste your time but I need help.   I won a €25 major ticket and it expires in 14 days , might have that wrong , but when I look at games it’s good for the computer shows only games for Oct 15 and then nothing till the end of the month.   I can’t play any of the games on Oct 15 , judges hate it when you play during sentencing, (lol) so the question is, is the ticket good for other games not listed, later in the week?  Sorry you have to read so much for such a question but….. 

  9. First, i remember that it is gambling and when the cards say you are 67% to win what they are actually saying is 33% of the time you are going to loose.   And when that one third time comes to me, I hike up my big boy pants and start again.     Then when I start again I tell myself that the cards are different every deal and there are not mysterious old men in the sky that care about me winning or loosing.   And then when the third time comes around again and I loose again, I remind myself that the next time I will be 67% to win and when I win I will not go on line and crow about it, just like I dont go on line to whine about it

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