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Group: Two Pairs
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Everything posted by Gravyy

  1. Hey, I have noticed on several occasions that people are rat holing. An example happened today, pictures below. As you can see, in back to back hands, the player to my right sits out and sits back in with 200bb fewer. Is there any possible way that this can be stopped, I am unaware of any other operator which allows this. Thanks in advance.
  2. Gravyy

    Loss Limit

    @Stubbe-Unibet please could you take a look at this - thanks
  3. Hey, I'm a full time cash player from UK. I have been playing on UB for around 6 months/primarily my main site for 3 months - and I'm approximately in the green ~€22/23k, however, this month I have almost hit my currrent loss limit is at £2.5k. As I'm sure you're aware, as poker is my only source of income, with a stop loss in place, I am unable to earn. Could I please have this removed, or at least increased to £5k. I am happy to show bank statemnts/crypto balance for proof of funds. Please let me know where I can send the necessary documents and please could my case be escalated. Thanks in advance, Gravyy
  4. Gravyy

    Loss Limit

    Did you get any further forward with this?
  5. Thanks Stubbe! So to confirm, I have plenty time to unlock the remaining segments of my current €25 bonus, the next €25 bonus and then start the 2 week bonus. Also, in Q4, the only thing that resets is the XP counter and my level? Everything else, such as active bonuses and bonus points, remain the same - and only expire as the date indicated below the bonus?
  6. Thanks for your detailed response, much appreciated. I have 2 more questions. Does the timer start running on the 1500/375 bonus as soon as it is credited to my account? Also, as I have 2 €5 segments left on an ongoing €25 bonus, what happens if I cancel this bonus now? Do I lose the bonus points and the reamining bonus €? I ask this as I'd like to cancel the following bonus in the queue so that I am able to work on the 1500/375 bonus ASAP. Thanks again
  7. Another q, I have just unlocked 3 x €25 playthrough bonues. However, whilst working through them, a bonus entitled 'rake 1500, get 375' appeared. Could someone please shed some light on how this appeared in my acc - and as mentioned, any further potential bonuses which may appear in my acc - as I am fairly sure that my XP didn't buy this. Again, thanks in advance
  8. Hi, As the post says I am relatively new on UB - old user, but the first time I have played consistent voulme. I play cash 50-400, I am just wondering if someone could please help me out in terms of understanding the offered rakeback, - using incredibly simple language that a child could understand - and the (bi)weekly bonuses that I have also seen people mention. As a (potantial) high volume CG grinder, could others please give me some tips on how to best maximise all the rakeback and bonuses offered. I have read the new RB post from April time, yet I am still to fully understand/digest the info. It is a lot to take in on one attempt. Thanks in advance guys, See you at the tables
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