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Unibet client crashes

  • Priority: No Priority Status: Fixed

Hey everyone, today I encountered a bug which caused my client to close suddenly, after closing a table of a tournament that I busted (Ironman 10euro). This has happened to me before a multitude of times. It feels like the client lags for a couple of seconds and then closes. It happens after an action. So today after I closed a table, or I remember it happening when I open or close the tournament lobby. Understandably, this is extremely annoying mid session playing multiple tables, having to log in again. 

btw, I have a solid PC and am 100% sure that this is a unibet issue, as I have heard from peers that have encountered the same problem before.

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Thanks for the report, @punterfifth9! Unfortunately not possible to do anything with crashes, unless:

1. It's a consistent issue that can be reliably reproduced (not the case here)

2. We've got the dmp file from the crash. "If you are experiencing crashes on Windows, please use this special client version which will generate a file with crash details (.dmp file)
Download special Windows client build for crash issues."

Note that above link is for current client version and after next release there'll be a different one.

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We've got a fix in the upcoming release, which might fix this one. I can't say for sure, due to the limited info, but there's also no value in keeping the report open with current details

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