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Top up amount isn't displayed correctly/doesn't update in banzai

  • Priority: Low Status: On backlog

Joint report with @FeelsBadMan

After a few tests, we noticed the following:
The amount for the top up option isn't displayed correctly. More precisely, it's not updated since the last similar action.
In order to correctly update the info, the banzai table must be resized.

Even if this bug appears, the correct amount is added to the player's stack.

@FeelsBadMan's simple and concise conclusion:
  "it's just lacking a trigger to refresh with the correct data and wait till something does eventually trigger it"

Added some clips with the bug and the steps described below.



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As @Phlo23 already described, the rebuy component seems to be missing a trigger when trying to rebuy, to update that component with the current rebuy value, so it gets stuck in whatever state it was after the last update it might have had (which might have happened when buying into a table, or by resizing a table .


Later edit: Actual solution on the last comment 👇

Edited by FeelsBadMan
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Some more information, tried on mobile portrait in the video, same issue, but once you rotate it in landscape you get a new correct value, and when you rotate back to portrait it's incorrect again. Skip to the next hand when there should be a new new value and now both portrait and landscape are incorrect being stuck to the previous 2 values. So it looks like it updates only on when a scene? gets initialized.

Another observation is that the Balance row from the same popup updates just fine all the time as you spend money on other games, it's just the rebuy value not changing.



Edited by FeelsBadMan
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so might be worth adding that on Vlad casino browser it updates just fine, while on Unibet browser the same error occurs, including the resize fix, so maybe something changed between the 2 versions.





Edited by FeelsBadMan
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Disregard everything I've said, it's just UI being UI, el classico. A tiny change seems to fix everything. 

Changing the following line in banzai20BuyInPopup (tested with banzai20 and roboto_condensed font) and banzai20BuyInPopupPortrait (untested, requires testing):

{ type: "text"; id: "cashGameBuyInPopupInputValueText"; layout_size: ["match_parent", "match_parent"]; font: "banzai20"; font_size: "2vw"; text_color: 0xffffff; },


{ type: "text"; id: "cashGameBuyInPopupInputValueText"; layout_size: ["match_parent", "wrap_content"]; font: "banzai20"; font_size: "2vw"; text_color: 0xffffff; layout_gravity: "center_vertical"; },


What was changed is the vertical layout_size from match_parent to wrap_content and added layout_gravity: "center_vertical";  cause it no longer inherits it

Edited by FeelsBadMan
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