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Gin P

Group: 72
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Posts posted by Gin P

  1. I am having exactly the same problem. I am starting to feel this site is a scam and not very credible. Not as much as you but I legitimately won in total £221 and tried to withdraw in 2 separate withdrawals. It’s just been ‘on hold’ for nearly a month. My verification documents have also been ‘under review’ for weeks and no one has contacted me to say there’s a problem. It could be because my passport is in my maiden name, but I can supply my marriage certificate which shows my maiden name and married name. Other companies have accepted this. I can’t find the email address, the link doesn’t work.. everytime I try and get on the live chat, it keeps me on hold for ages and then eventually disconnects me. I did manage to speak to someone who reset my verification requests, I submitted again and the same thing has happened. As you say, it’s not fair, they are quite willing to take the money! I won’t use this site until I get my withdrawal.

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