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Group: 72
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Posts posted by Littleboyroy

  1. This "bug" is about the updating of the leaderboards in tournaments, seriously Unibet, take care of this asap. My leaderboards never updates properly, still players with their starting stack there when tour has gone deep. Its so frustrating when u cant see how many are left for bubble time, yes i can see it on my table but the leaderboard update is truly bad. Ive played on Unibet since January 2018 and noticed the problem already then. And still no patch who has fixed that "bug"????

    Im in fact so annoyed of this that im really considering to change site (again) back to PS or some new site. Really hope u can fix this cause its such a bad "bug"!

    A suggestion is that u separate the leaderboards from the Lodge one, like Pokerstars have done. Since it also effects the connection to me, and if my connection got bad or sumtin, I cant see the leaderboard being updated at all.

    I do love this community but if the software affect my poker games, im NOT gonna stay here for long!

    /Sincerely Littleboyroy

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