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Posts posted by fulgencio

  1. 1: keep impact on sunday as well? Or a similar mtt to run with ice

    2: maybe a phase mtt? (10€). Play mon-sat and final on sunday

    3: group more mtts between 5 and 8-9pm CET. BH and titan lasts to long and it’s an issue for recs who work. Also, add some hypers/turbos within that time frame to be able to have 4-8 tables on unibet in the evening and still finish at a decent hour.

    4: have some sats that aren’t hyper and high variance. Maybe like a normal mtt, 8 min levels.

    5: improve the sats for oddysey. You basically have to bink 2 of them to afford the addon. Can have a 50€ reentrie instead with a better sat structure

    6: host a big sat for nova. Not 10€+10€ hyper. I’d guess at least 90% of players in the sat addon, make it a 20/25€ sat with 8/10 mins levels.

    7: off topic, when’s the next UOS?

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