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Posts posted by Whysohard

  1. I am just telling my experince.  And that i am feeling lucky to get my money from Unibet.

    And i had not won anything.  

    I do not dare to play at unibet. Reason is when you win the hell fire starts from Unibet.


    I stopped when there is message across the screen saying stop playing. Then i ask chat about whats up.

    They have no clue about nothing. So to all that's reads this. Think for your self. Where you should play


  2. Google Unibet Withdraw.  Not like i am making it up.    So i take this as a win. Really i do.

    Couple of google searches and you can see that i iam within the lucky ones that get to cash out.   By far the worst experince i have had on any online casino.

    Such a shame when they have the best soulution for betting.

    The absoulte worst custommer service.!!!!!

    I have watched the casino industry for years. Always been thinking why is nobody streaming from Unibet? Showing how great it is.

    Reason for that can you see here on the forum. 

    If you are waiting for unibet for anything keep on waiting until they have tried every way possible to take your money then and only then maybe the will send your money by snail mail to a account that cant recive it 

  3. Today i won the possiblity to cash out. Got just the same feeling as when winng a big bet.

    But this time i got the possiblity to get my deposit back. Hope Unibet can take that to heart.


    And to all other people. just tearing there hair out waiting on unibet. Hope youu win the possiblity to cash out some day.


  4. Then i will just wait.  The unserty took away the fun in playing. Hope you guys can understand when i ask the livechat if i can use my account i get No and Yes. 
    And you say yes how is my garanteies for this when nobody can send and email conferimg what is right.

    Should i say a guy on the forum said i can use it and the chat sdaid no/yes. No that will not work for me


    Iam a Norwegian player for people wondering. Maybe something to avoid.  The chat is talking about withdraw to my Visa card. That's where we are at. It's not possible for norwegian players to do so. Strange for me as a custommer to must inform livechat about rules and regultions in scandinavia.




  5. Hello 

    Please see this chat. Is this how Unibet are ? 

    Ana-Maria: Perfect
    Ana-Maria: Thank you
    Ana-Maria: Just bare with me please :)
    Tim: Or explain why Unibet are sending offers i cant use
    Tim: LIke bonuses to a blocked account
    Ana-Maria: Yesterday you sent us the pictures of the card, the verification of the document is performed within up to 5 working days (Monday-Friday) by the Security Department, as soon as this verification process is completed, we inform you by e-mail

    Ana-Maria: Your account it's noy blocked

    Ana-Maria: What error do you get? :(

    Tim: Can i use and still play ?

    Ana-Maria: Yes

    Ana-Maria: You can deposit and play

    Ana-Maria: But you can't withdraw at the moment

    Ana-Maria: Untill credit card it's verified

    Tim: And keep the money if i win?

    Ana-Maria: That's all

    Ana-Maria: Yes

    Tim: And the Money Will not be confiscated if i win ? or taken by Unbiet in any shape or form ?
    Tim: Reason for asking is last guy i talked to at unibet said NO you can not play

    Ana-Maria: Well this credit card it's on your name so everythink ok from our side
    Tim: So please send and email to my registreted email and explain if i can or not

    Ana-Maria: In this case it's better to wait for the credit card to ve verified
    Ana-Maria: To be verified

    Tim: Maybe i should look else where for Gambling is the safest ?

    Ana-Maria: It's your decision
    Ana-Maria: I don't see any problem regarding for you to play on this site
    Ana-Maria: Because your CC *4928 it's on your name

    Tim: But there are a risk that you will confiscated the winnings and so on

    Ana-Maria: So you did not 
    violated the terms and conditions

    Tim: And block trhe account
    Tim: Takes a way a little bit of the fun


    Ana-MariaI can't know for sure at this point
    Ana-MariaOnly the Security Departament will take this decision
    Ana-Maria: But you did not do anything wrong at this point
    Tim: I will post this chat in a forum, Maybe somone from Unibet will take a lokk then
    Ana-Maria: Allow us to verify your credit card
    Ana-Maria: And then we'll inform you
    Tim: Yes. and i will post my two chats with to differnt answers. So other people or maybe Unibet will take there time to look into it.
    Ana-Maria: Perfect :)
    Tim: Hope you can understand how f... up you guys customer service are
    Ana-Maria: Yes I do understand
    Ana-Maria: Anything else I can help you with?
    Tim: two differnt answes
    Tim: and so slooooooooow
    Ana-Maria: I know :(
    Tim: Is there any managers working there at alll
    Ana-Maria: Yes, off course
    Ana-Maria: Can I give you more information at this time?

    Tim: Ask them to try to verify at Betfair or any off the others
    Ana-Maria: Allright
    Ana-Maria: Will do that
    Tim: Yes, Please transfer me to a manager
    Tim: so i at least can know if i can use my account or not
    Tim: Is that so unresnable
    Tim: Can you send and CLArafication REGARDING THIS
    Ana-Maria: I'm afraid there is no such possibility
    Tim: So your answerrs is : I dont know on the first answer. And on the second i cant help you
    Ana-Maria: Please just wait for your card pictures to be checked
    Ana-Maria: Thank you! :)
    Ana-Maria: Have a lovely day!

    Ana-Maria,has disconnected.

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