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Posts posted by KPE

  1. Hi, I'm married to a lawyer, and calling the election bet prematurely, should result in a class action lawsuit against Unibet (if Trump wins).

    Media doesn't decide the next president - the court and states does (12th ammendment).
    Unibet should know these simple facts, if they run this kind of business.

    To put it mildly - there is at least some "Reasonable doubt" amongst 74 million Americans at the moment, caused by a diversity of stories like this:

    I'm 25/75 on whether he will be able to present a strong case, that could flip or change the results - but the court has not spoken yet, and they might make some decisions (or even uncover systemic fraud) that could favor his reelection - we don't really know at the moment.

    Anyway, relax and lets wait and see what happens... no worries if he ultimately looses for good.
    But in case he wins the court fights (and maybe even ultimately wins), first step is to evaluate if there's a strong case against Unibet or not.

    Let's see what happens, and I'll return here with an email address that you can submit to if interested.

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