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Group: 72
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Posts posted by kristof666

  1. Dear Support,

    I completed the MTT cash part of the April missions, but I do not receive the hexapro ticket.

    I cashed in the low leaderboard tournament today and 2 days ago but the missions tab do not count these.

    COuld you please help with this issue?

  2. Dear Unibet,

    The same issues happened to me again as on the 15th of April... Playing at Unibet is becoming really frustrating. This is the 3rd evening this week I am experiencing technical issues from your site.

    I would like to get compensation for the SNG-s I was playing; I could log back after 10 minutes, but I was really short stack then...

    Tournament ID-s: 1202332807 and 1202332543.

    Kind regards,


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