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Group: 72
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Posts posted by alirezakrv

  1. Esport section doesn’t have the cash out indicater telling you that what’re you can cash out or no like I don’t know what it is but non of them match’s have the cash out indicater for esport for sport sections it does have but esport it doesn’t can you fix it? Like furia vs g2 it doesn’t have it and it’s a big csgo tournament which going to definitely have live betting so please fix unibet 

  2. I have unibet account for about 1 year so here my review they took about 1 week to verify my account it was during Christmas time and that time I won money  so maybe it was because of that idk so they did verify my account  finally so now my experience they do pay winnings without too much asking like other poor sites do but they are sometimes buggy when I'm using on my old phone but sometimes only now for the odds they are basic basically not that bad but not the best now for live betting usually when I do cashout it takes 4.5 secs so they cashout with delay usually but its not that bad . One more is that they dont put all csgo games like I've seen it sometimes they dont put matchs on hltv that I've seen had good teams in it so that's one problem. Another is they are laggy sometimes that's it in general they aren't that bad they are normal 

  3. I have unibet account for about 1 year so here my review they took about 1 week to verify my account it was during Christmas time and that time I won money  so maybe it was because of that idk so they did verify my account  finally so now my experience they do pay winnings without too much asking like other poor sites do but they are sometimes buggy when I'm using on my old phone but sometimes only now for the odds they are basic basically not that bad but not the best now for live betting usually when I do cashout it takes 4.5 secs so they cashout with delay usually  p

  4. Today i placed 2 bets on eg vs Triumph eg won the first game the they lost the second
     Now the third map
     My team Triumph won the first half
    9 to 6
    Now here I was looking to see who wins the pistol round and round 8 or 9
    The eg gaming came close and basically came back it was I think 8.8 or 9.9 something like that and I wanted cash out
     Until that time the page was working fine
    Until then the page for my bets wasnt loading
     I could access deposit
    Other things
     But cash out was not loading for several minutes no matter how many Tim's I reloaded.please help I also too screenshot and video this happend at the 3rd map second half I was trying to cash out to be safe and get out with profit  after eg won the pistols and 1 more round it a big of profit it was like 9.8 or somewhere close I dont know   .2815343654 2815752730

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