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Group: 72
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Posts posted by Travis

  1. Your right it's not for me that's why i don't play RIGGED games and that's why i will keep telling anyone who thinks about playing online poker that it's RIGGED

  2. Online poker has always been rigged , always will be , I'm just waiting for unibet to show us the impossible ROYAL FLUSH v ROYAL FLUSH not impossible like you might think ! After all playing unibet poker is like playing poker in the Twilight zone

  3. Unibet are going to void all antepost bets on the 2020 classics if they are rescheduled to be run at different courses to there original course in other words unibet are looking to RENEGE on all antepost bets ! Make sure they get the publicity they deserve!!

  4. Unibet are going to payout on all ANTEPOST bets on the classics if they are rescheduled to run at later date however they will void all antepost bets if the races are not run at there original course,  in other words unibet are looking for a get out to avoid paying out absolutely disgusting,  I'm sure they Will get the publicity they deserve 

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