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Group: Two Pairs
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Posts posted by LastNumber

  1. I got reply from help-desk that the bet was correctly settled by 15x .

    In itself this gives zero information , did i see wrong , the wheel was mend to finish on 15x but landed on Vegas Diamonds by mistake , what happened , why i think i was given the wrong bonus , i asked now if possible to send me the video , otherwise i dont see how this can come to satisfying outcome.

  2. Hi ,

    I still have the remainder of a voucher 5 cent , but i dont have the option to spend this .

    The problem is its active for 28 days , but i have 3 more vouchers total 8 euro , but these are active for less then week and i cannot use them before the 5 cent one goes.

    Its weird i thought i got the option to spend at end of day 2 days ago , but wanted to stop for the day .

    Yesterday i played bingo but never was the voucher used .

    I dont know playthrough conditions but i played for over 35 euro bingo yesterday , got golden scratch card etc , but never the option to spend the 5 cent remaining bingo voucher .

    I got now pretty much no money left on my account , so not being able to use my vouchers is  problematic .

  3. Hi ,

    I had this nasty experience , i was playing Super Wild Megaways , and for the first time ever i got a spin on super wheel . [ i normaly dont play for this ]

    The stream was not supersmooth and the wheel seemed not to turn very smooth .

    I didnt know what to expect but the wheel ended on Vegas Diamonds , green lights are lit above the Vegas Diamonds , but then the wheel moves backwarts [ !!!!!! ] to the bonus next to Vegas Diamonds which was 15x , then the wheel moves back again to Vegas Diamonds and stays there .

    I was shocked to see i was given the bonus next to Vegas Diamonds which was 15 x .    [ this was bad payout considering my session losses ]

    I have contacted support and now provided round id . and need see what happen .

    My main question is , what kind of payouts can u expect in the bonusgame Vegas Diamonds ?   [ i was playing 40 cent spins ]

    Also i was trying to play for leaderboard and i wonder if i could have easy landed on the leaderboard with a good score in Vegas Diamonds .






  4. Hi ,

    I had similar happen in past .

    You need clear cookies and cache for your browser , if you then log back in and go to the game it should continue where finished .

    Hope this also works for you .

    The downside is u miss the actual bonusgame , i mean u cant watch it happen anymore , but for me it worked and got the payout .

  5. Hi ,

    I find this promotion is bad compaired to getting scratch cards that regularly  give a little something , it feels like raffle there is very very low chance to get anything at all .

    Also if u only get one of the smaller rewards , its still bad .

    Imagine if u win nothing all month and compair what u normaly would be getting minimum on scratch cards .

    After one week i have lost motivation to get any more raffle cards  .

                                                 Good luck


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