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  1. @PokerAndBettingthat's actually a pretty reasonable explanation. I tend to change my tickets quite often and I'm glad they listened to us and added the shuffle feature, because at least it gives you a sense that you have a little more control. @testuser1as for the suspected multiple accounts, @JeppeL was supposed to check some of them out in this thread. Didn't hear anything more about it after that though, so I don't know what he came up with. I guess it could just be several different players using similar aliases...
  2. I don't believe it's rigged, but I agree that it is really frustrating when you sit there with one number left for a long while and just as you start hoping for a win someone else pops out of nowhere and "steals" it from you. Happened to me several times yesterday. :sad: And strangely enough it's often the same names even on free bingo. I can understand if those who always buy max in regular games have a better chance of winning, but in the free games everyone gets the same number of tickest, so that makes no sense to me... but I guess we just have to assume that Unibet is playing fair and luck is on their side. Sometimes that tin foil hat is very close to coming on though... 😏
  3. Haha, no wonder no one saw them then. 😛 Thanks for clearing it up for us @Martin1. 😃 And good luck with your voucher @missChance. :)
  4. Oh, okay. That is strange. :wonder: If there were any prizes like that, one would think they if anyone should know. I guess we'll never find out then... Since I didn't win it doesn't really matter anyway. :haha: But congrats to the lucky winners whoever they are! 😃:cash:
  5. Congrats @Nicky! 😀 @missChancemaybe one of the Bingo CMs can check who won those prizes - or at least if and when they were won...
  6. I didn't see any of those really huge prizes, didn't even know there were any that big - but I know at least one member on the community who won €450 in a cash drop. (Wasn't me unfortunately. 😛)
  7. Happy New Year everyone! :lovekiss: I wish you all the best of luck with all your endeavours in 2017. ♥️
  8. Merry Christmas to the whole community! :lovekiss: Hope you all have a wonderful holiday and enjoy some quality time with family and friends. ♥️
  9. Well done . Congrats on the €45. 😃 I usually only get half way through the required flops before I crash and burn. :haha:
  10. Anyone know why there are no 04:05 and 06:05 freerolls today? :sad: Maintenance again?
  11. How did I get pulled into this? :Rofl: I know nothing about tennis, but if I'd bet I'd probably go for the underdog - plus you know I love my number 7, so those odds look extra attractive. :Tongue: Murray will probably win though.
  12. I PM:ed @Chris-Unibet with all the info. A bug report thread sounds like a good idea and I hope others report any issues as well.
  13. Has anyone else tried the new beta browser client? I'm kind of scared right now because it seems to slow my computer down even more than the downloaded client and nearly froze everything before I gave up and had to close it. I also couldn't scroll or sort tournaments and the text up on top under "registered tournaments" also looked really weird, all "squeezed up" and unreadable. So I really hope this is just a temporary issue with the beta version and this isn't the way the client will behave in the final release, because if so I won't be able to play. :sad:
  14. It doesn't matter now, but some info here on the community or just a notice in the client would have been great. 😉 But thanks for the heads-up about the next maintenance anyway @Andrew. 😃 I'm sure it'll minimize the confusion and head scratching, so much appreciated! 👍 And congrats on the win @AndreiBN. 😃
  15. Ah, thanks @Ametrine I didn't see that topic before, but looks like I wasn't the only one then.
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