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Poker God exist?


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Why it happens many times in poker, that the one with the biggest stack has the winner hand. The latest: he had KK, than KJ and had a straight, maybe two rounds later 33 for a drill, than 97 and straight again. I know these are the hands what is ok to call, but still curious, there is a Poker God who support the leaders? :smileysurprised:

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If a Poker God exists then a Poker Satan must also exist. If youre getting dealt a lot of bad beats or chip leader keeps running hot, it might be time to join the dark side
I debate
Should I smile like everything's good and pretend that life is great
Or should I let the world see the real me and not hide this pain
I tried to be like the rest of y'all, sorry I just can't
I'ma probably die this way
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@cris1285 wrote:

the one with the biggest stack has the winner hand. 

But if you turn it around, the winner already had the biggest stack because he's on a winning streak.

I've had this dicussion many a time with my husband. I've started just not playing against some who is on a "stoopidly lucky" roll!

Just call me Mrs Kings :-)
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