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Hit and runners


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Does anyone else suffer from the 1 player phantom hit n run coolers on here ? Seems to be the theme .Had  today kk vv aa and ofc leaves next hand then 4 outer on turn  set v 2p to stack me and same again.Seems to be the thing to do ,seems strange as why woudnt you stay in case guy tilts .Had so many really makes me want to quit cash .Play for hours to win a buyin and then good old smash and grab.Real problem on here as hardly attracts players.

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Ok so have another game of cash today after hit n runned to death other day on nl10 .Playing for 15 mins and pick up kk and get it allin pre and ofc the villain has aa wow run bad continues , at least he stayed till bb and then left:annoyed: .This guy was also on another table so not phantom,assumed he reg  .Seems like unibet is going like another site i stopped playing cash as regs hit n run the norm ,maybe because a lot of players have came from that site and now play here and other players see this and copy ? I know players can and will do there own thing,  it  just leaves a bad taste in my mouth .Assume no other people see this as a problem or damaging just part of game now.

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I don't get it!

Why are you so offended if there are players that hit and run? Maybe they don't like to play deep... who cares? 

I, for example, don't give a f... if I loose a stak and the villain leaves the table. There is always osmeone else that will sit in that spot to replace him.

I am not doing the other thing either, which is, leaving the table if I loose a stak or staks at the table. 

Don't focus on short term results... poker usually is for the long run.

Good luck!

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Have to agree with Balonas. If your game is solid and bankroll is enough, those kind of mosquitobites should not have any affect.. Of course if it happens all the time and with only few BI's roll it might get you easily mad, i know 🤣

But seriosly, if those happenings are starting to get under your skin, better take a small break. Easier said than done ofc. Different thing might be a situation, where you are sitting with like 5xBI, and everyone has under 1BI. I may or may not have changed the alias at that point few times, to be honest 👼

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Thanks Rushb think i defo fall into your second paragraph.Poss as well playing casino cash it rarely happens so as balonas said i shoudnt give a f....  .Am olderschool lo so find it bad etiquette but thats just me i suppose .I dont do it but well people are people and have there own reasons.Just hits my tilt switch geting coolered then leaving .Will soldier on and not think about it when happens from now on ,hopefully lol cheers

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Yeah, for OG liveplayers it is pretty difficult to understand how the h... it is possible to do things like these legally, but hey, modern times you know 😏
And here things are quite good when you get familiar with the possibilities and options.
GG's, old fart 😃

Time to leave, lol 🆒

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  • 9 months later...

I am agree with @Balonas , but that rule is not cool when ure played banzai ....win from 1e to more the 30e and the boooohhh...someone sitdown with lots of this....maybe from the other table....and blow your stack ...shoving when ure in premium hands. For shure it was happening to me also to win 75e from banzai into a session on NL1...but more times i give away 30e :))

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