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Can i give away my Avatar i won as prize?


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Please advise as been waiting 5 months for Avatar i won in FEBRUARY Community league and would like to give away as havent received it after excuse after excuse when i will recieve ,See Kostenburg won his at same time ,February .Abosulute disregard for some of your customers and had more than enough of the bs.

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Afraid there's not much to do. The avatars are made by the supplier of the poker software, so it's limited what support and the community guys can do. Know Marco has really been pushing for this to get done.

Waiting since February is obviously a bit extreme, and something probably went wrong somewhere in the process.

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Stage of negotiations?? Was meant to get then meant to get then got sent it eventually to say if ok and agreed cool so would be definitely in next release which was other day and guess what ? Obviously not done - as I said to Marco relax suits them ! 

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@coconuts wrote:

Winner of community gets avatar of there choice designed for them - well some do quicker than others 

Sure it must be frustrating to wait so long. Maybe the communication process between Unibet and Relax needs to be improved for this kind of thing, perhaps a conference call once a month with managers both sides. 

Id try not to take it personally though coconuts, am sure it's not favoritism of any kind, just a process which needs some improvement :) 

Also I think advising Avatar will take a number of months to complete like you suggest, is a nice idea, to help manage people's expectations. I'm not surprised it doesn't happen overnight or that no other site offers such a cool feature, as the avatars have to be hard coded into the client! But an indication of time frame frame at start is a good idea I think. 

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@coconuts, 5 months is obviously not good enough and I honestly think it's a bit embarrassing. As I mentioned in one of the PMs to you - there's not really any point of offering a prize if we aren't able to deliver it within a reasonable amount of time. That's also the reason why we decided to remove the custom avatar from the current Community League, as we need to improve the process of creating a custom avatar.

The avatar is has been ready for a couple of weeks now and will be included in the next release. The reason why it wasn't included in last week's release was that we didn't have a server release. Next server release is the 30th of August. Every avatar that is in the backlog will be in the client by then.

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Obviously you are a mean and schadenfreude type of person am sorry for that - tbh if you are happy because it's me that's fine as obviously your happiness is top of my have to worry about list - keep up the keyboard gangster style it suits you .
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Not taking too personally but am sure if I was somebody of note to Unibet would have been done within 6months , but obvs whoever great idea for prize which it is never thought to ask - I wonder how long that would take ? I realise it would not happen within 24 hrs (sarcasm) but now waiting 24weeks is a tad too long - btw Marco ty for response
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I don't work for Unibet or any of their affiliates.

Your rant about not receiving a completely useless avatar with no monetary value or benefit was childish IMO. This isn't about your personal happiness or mine, my statement was about how I believe Relax should prioritise sorting the issues of many players before something as trivial as a custom avatar for a single player. The fact that you're trying to 'give it away' because it's not in the client yet just makes you sound like a ❤️♥️❤️

You're trying to bash Unibet over something that is incredibly insignificant. I know you're going to say it's significiant to you but that's kind of the point. You're focused on you only. If I was told my avatar was going to take a few months because they're busy fixing bugs so players can play then I'd be perfectly fine with that. More players, more money to win. Yes it's taken a long time to get your avatar but it doesn't stop you playing, it doesn't stop you losing 45/55 hands and then complaining about it here and when you do start using it you're going to stick out on the tables and be easier to track as a player. 

All it took to get this resolved was a single PM at the end of each month asking if your avatar would be included in the release, not a public thread trying to make Unibet sound bad because you're one .png (or whatever format they use :)) short and Relax decided to fix bug instead of dealing with your nominal prize. 




Have you read my blog HERE... It's long isn't it :)
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For someone who has no affiliation with Unibet you sure like to defend them at every opportunity .Have seen your other posts and you seem to be in the know about all things new on Unibet and such like.I am sure bug fixes and Avatars can be done at the same time as Relax are not a one man operation and tbh half the bugs were done months ago so you could still play and get the money you desire ,money isnt my motivation like yours.!(marco never said because of bugs there will be delay with Avatar)dont care what you say and can keep your you sound like a ------ to yourself tbh.Why do you care if i stick out and be tracked ,you dont need to worry about my game lol try and better your on would be my advice .This avatar isnt even made by Unibet so 1/2 my rant is at Unibet for not getting relax told as they are the ones who design it so no need to be so defensive about Unibet and agro to posts on community.You need to stop being so nasty towards people who want to spout out there opinion(what community for) as who do you think you are ?The next time you have a go at somebody possibly you should gather the correct facts before spouting off your mouth ,I have been on  pm  to marco about this issue  month after month since march and marco has been great with his responses explaining obvs its Relax who are the issue .I put it on community for 1st time  yesterday as going on  6months is a joke and as no contact for them i should post on forum my issue.I wont be playing any more tournaments on Unibet so was wondering since havent got yet that i could give to other player or raffle it or something .Apparently i am not the only 1 still waiting since february for prize .Kostenberg has his but he also had same problem .(now resolved)And as far as my Avatar having no benefit(scared of me lol etc) maybe you should re-think that statement infact possibly re-think most of the crap you said.thanks

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Posted this in the league thread, but it's relevant here:

I'd made the error of forgetting to remove the avatar prize from the description, but instead only on the prize list. We made a decision not to issue anymore unique avatars for 1st prize as it's taking time at the poker provider which could be better spent - we're working one something to replace it though :)


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