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Blog: Crushing on the mobile app


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So, here we go!!

A little backgroundstory to begin with. I'm 28, have a decent job and have been playing poker on and off for 12-13 years. I used to grind sng's, switched to cash, started playing a lot live and grinded the semi-proffesional organised homegames from 2/2  up to 5/10 for about 2 years, 5 nights a week up untill 2 years ago when I took this 9-5 job with future lifegoals in mind and nightly games were in the past.

The title speaks for itself. I started playing on unibet again about a month ago, exclusively on the mobile app because I'm mostly away from home when playing. 4-Tabling the app comes quite naturel and works well, so thumbs up for the developers!! Of course there is room for improvement, but isn't there always? (ability to play 6 tables would be awesome 😏 )

The reason to start this topic is to keep track of my progress and to lose some steam when I feel some tilt coming. I mostly play short sessions thoughout the day monday-friday as I have a lot of spare time at work for the moment. Weekend is family time so not a lot of activity then.

About a month ago I deposited 100 m&m's and started to play 10nl for fun (lol bankrollmanagement). I ran pretty well and was up 20 buy ins in about 10 days or so. I decided to take a 2 BI shot at 25nl when I was at 300 m&m's and immediately took 3 buy ins. Now at 3800-ish I decided to put myself on (agressive) bankrollmanagement. I decided to continue to play 25nl and move down at 300 and take shots at 50nl at 1k. Now a month in, I'm at 610 m&m's and running normal again, playing the usual 4 tables of 25nl.

My goal is to have some fun with poker, the cash is a nice bonus but not my motivation. I just love the game. Because there is a little 4-year old at home and another baby due the end of may, I probably won't be playing live anytime soon.

If you have any questions, I'd love to answer them.


Cliffs: 28 years old, used to play live A LOT, exclusively playing on unibet mobile app now, track progress and de-tilt here, have fun doing all that.



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okay, jinxed my rungood by opening this thread 😏

Won a couple of cooler hands, lost a couple more. All in all a pretty standard day. Lost 1,5 buy-ins so nothing special. Probably not going to play during the weekend, don't know about monday yet. We'll see.

Bankroll: 573 m&m's.

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Played some this morning. Conclusion after that small session:  variance is and always will be a mother-in-law. Got "coolered" in the first hand I played, J10cc < K5cc on 9x 8x Ac 3c 2c. I 3-bet against a btn open, c-bet flop, bink more equity on the turn so bet again, bink river and see that the guy has mad skills. I reload and pray he doesn't leave. Couple hands later (other table I think)  I'm bb, utg opens, 2 callers and I like my discount multiway with 78ss. Flop is massive: 5s6s9h. Utg c-bets pretty small, everyone calls, I pop it up because of a lot of actionkillers on the turn, 1 caller. Turn Qh, I bet small to induce, dude shoves and I'm already counting money, 2h on the river and I'm down another buy-in, A6hh, well played sir. The rest was pretty standard I think.

Another session in the afternoon. Conclusion: I love you variance. 3-bet the btn with 99 and get it in on 9JJ against QQ, life is easy. Also some hyper-agro that tried to bet-bet-shove into the nuts, thank you come again. And what's up with people calling down with middle pair? Not that I never do that, but not when every draw gets there and I might be catching the bluff with the worst of it... However, please keep doing so!!

 I did encounter a spot where I wasn't sure about the correct play.  UTG+1 opens, 2 callers, SB 3-bets to 3, I'm BB with JJ, what to do here? When I flat I invite the others into the pot, playing OOP multiway with overs on the flop a lot. When I 4-bet I'm committing with the original raiser and 3-better still to act. Is 4-bet-folding an option here?

That's it for today, bankroll: 658 m&m's


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We switched networks today at work so lots of downtime to play.

I only remember 2 hands (partially). The first one is a cooler I won. I'm sb and 3-bet the btn open with AK. BB 4-bets, I'm not going anywhere here because bb is re-stealing alot here with worse. I shove, he snaps with AA. I flop broadway and thank the gods of variance. The other one I remember is where I lost a stack. I 3-bet on the btn with 65 suited and get 1 caller. I don't remember the exact runout but I bet-bet-shove as the board ran out pretty awesome to do so, valuetowning myself into the runner-runner flush. Ah well, happens once in a while I guess.

Bankroll: 688 m&m's

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Today was like a mountainstage during the tour de France... got it in on the flop twice with a flush, first one against a set that binked the full house, second one against top pair+nut flushdraw that came in. Lost a flip and a 60/40 and I was down 4 packs of m&m's before my coffee was finished. Great way to start the day. Ah well, all was pretty standard and my game was good, so no worries.

The rest of the day were mostly standard pots, untill I got JJ on the btn on 2 tables at the same time, against the same villain. On the first table I open, he 3-bets, I 4-bet and he calls. Flop was a dry 8-high and I snap when he shoves, he shows 10 10 and I take his pack of m&m's. Second table I open and he calls. Flop comes down 8JQ and the dude check-shoves when I c-bet, he shows KJ and I thank him for another pack of m&m's. This way I managed to crawl out of the hole I dug this morning and finished in the green.

Bankroll: 712 m&m's

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Normaly I would have posted on thursday and friday, but circumstances decides otherwise...

So lets go back a couple of days, wednesday evening. I get a call to ask if I am interested in being the dealer at a 1/2 homegame that I used to play in, because the usual dealer wanted to play himself. I couldn't say no and the game eventually ended at 6 or so in the morning. I drove home, got in bed for an hour, got up again and went to work. Calm day at the office so had a lot of time to play, but things didn't go my way. Not that I played well (1 hour of sleep isn't my thing anymore) but in the last 5 hands I played I got stacked twice by a all-in preflop situation vs. AA, fml. I don't recall any more specifics, except that I thougt to myself that I shouldn't play when I didn't have enough sleep. Then the call came in, the girlfriend wanted to go to the hospital because she wasn't feeling well. She's 29 weeks pregnant and it was a bumpy road so far so I kind of said "see ya" at work and raced home to pick her up. Eventualy everything was okay but she needed to rest more. Another year of my life gone, but reassured that the baby is doing fine. Time to count m&m's: 603

Friday however was a day I won't forget easily... We have 2 cats, 1 that goes outside alot and 1 that never goes outside. The first one didn't come inside the evening before, but that wasn't the first time and we didn't think anything of it. So friday morning I get up, drink coffee, go outside to call his name, but no answer. Meh, he'll come inside when he feels like it. So I start my car, go knock on the hood to make sure he isn't under there somewhere and I'm off to work. I decide to take the highway today. It shaves of 5 minutes of my normal 25 minute drive and I don't have to worry about kids crossing the road. 2 km's before I leave the highway, I feel a bump and I instinctively look in my mirror. To my horror I see an animal skidding across the road. I'm going 120 km/h so I'm like wtf was that, and 0.4 seconds later it hit me. I take the next exit, turn around and drive like a maniac to the previous one and turn around again. My heart is doing 856 bpm when I'm getting close to where it happened, and I burst into tears when I see him lying there in the middle of the road. I pull over to make 100% sure it's him. When I see his collar with the little bell on it my heart stops, my mind goes blank and I just sit there. I ran over my own flipping cat. On the highway. There is way to much traffic to get him off the road safely, so after about 5 minutes I leave, call work for a day off and then the gf to bring her the bad news... He hid himself somewhere under the car/hood, didn't come out or make a sound when I started the car and knocked on the hood... I know I can't blame myself for this one, but still the thought of him being under there being his last moments is awefull. May his soul rest in peace.

As a result of all this, I didn't play fri-sat-sun. I might play a bit today, depends on how work goes. I'll keep you guys posted.


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Didn't get alot of hands in, but made some profits. Ran my KK into AA in one of the first hands of the day and the thought "it's gonna be one of those days" crossed my mind. Luckily for me it wasn't, cruising through most hands as nothing spectacular happened. Got donated half a stack when I 3-bet pre with QQ, bb calls and openshoves on Q84 rainbow. That's about it for today.

m&m's in the bag: 670

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Took me only a couple of weeks to scew this thing :happy: I got drunk, saw the app on my phone and the rest is history. In my defence, I did got set-over-setted in 400nl. Anyway, I don't feel bad as I had fun and that's what counts for me. I have some bonuspoints I'll use before depositing, challenging myself to build a roll with head-up sng's. May the odds be ever in my favor!!

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So I converted 500 bonuspoints into 5 1€ headsup sng tickets and was prepared to gamble. I eventually played 70 1€ headup sng's today, with a profit of €21,18. In other words, ran hotter than the sun. My excel skills are non-existing, but here's what I came up with.


If anyone has a spreadsheet I can use to track my progress easily, please don't be shy :happy:


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Didn't play a lot since my last update and probably won't be playing a lot until tuesday next week. I did however finish my first 200 husng's on the €1 level for a total profit of €28,92. I was on a serious heater the first 100 or so games, since then I'm having trouble finishing off opponents when they have <5bb, it seems I need at least 80% equity when the money goes in to have a chance :puking: I'm sure things will even out soon, and I can't complain having an ROI of 14,46% so far. Here are my excellent excel skills:


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I'm probably taking a shot at the €2 level when I reach €60 euro profit, just so I don't have to move down immediately if I happen to lose 5 in a row. I don't expect a lot of difference in difficulty, but still variance can be a pain when moving up and I want to see how far I can go with this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

413 50.66

I haven't been playing a ton since my last update. I did come close to my goal of €60 before moving up, but then the other side of variance slapped me in the face with a brick, but overall I can't complain. Watching my graph and my ROI I think I can safely say I beat the €1 HU sng's 😃 I'll update again when I hit the €60 profit mark. Tomorrow and next week I'll probably get decent volume.

ROI after 413 games: 12,27%

Profit after 413 games: 50,66



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The last 200 games have been a "bumpy" road, but after a total of 504 games I've reached my goal and have a total profit of €60,54. I'll be moving u to the €2 games now. I'll try to crush those games and move up when I make €100 profit (total profit €160) out of them. I don't really expect a lot of difference, but I'll have to wait and see. Pokergods, please no downswing now!! 😛

Profit: €60,54

ROI: 12,01%



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I haven't been playing for a couple of days due to the weekend (family time) and some time to study for work purposes. Today went pretty okay and the last 25 games or so I was on fire! 😀 Playing my A-game and running like a god works magic on the graph. After a total of 190 games on the €2 level I'm at a profit of 50,68 for an ROI of 13,34%. As you can see in the graph, this doesn't say much. We'll see when I play some more if this is realistic. I'm pretty sure it's not, but hey we'll find out.


It's possible I stop posting updates all of a sudden for a while, but as I mentioned before my wife is pregnant (34 weeks now) and you never know when the big day arrives 😛 I'll try to think of posting the news here when it happens.

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The heater I was on last week lasted a couple more games as you can see in the graph. Things are still going well and I'm looking forward to moving up to the €4 games soon, but still need to get that couple extra euros to get there. I have been noticing that my games seem to last a bit longer on average at the €2-level than at the €1 level, although my ROI seems pretty similar. Possibly it's just all in my head, but it seems strange to me.

After 380 games at the €2 level I have a profit of €85,84 and an ROI of 11,3%. Still pretty solid and I expect to do worse at the €4 level, but who knows 😃 Next update when I reach the €4 level.


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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been 10 days or so since my last update, but I haven''t been playing much. The little I played, I took a hard downswing with a record breaking 14 losses in a row. However variance compensated super hard 😀 my son Wout was born yesterday early in the morning. The little man measures 46cm and weighs in at 3,250kg. I probably wont have time to play in the next weeks/months, but i'll keep reading the forum and i'll update here when I do play. Most beautiful baby in the world: 




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