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Santas promotion for Unibet Bingo Norway is a fake?


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If you play 3 times in a row in the bingo, you are qualified for Santas presents, says the promotion at Unibet Bingo Norway. Today i have played that, but it still shows 0 of 3 rounds..

It was like this yesterday too, and I named that in the Bingo Chat, but nobody did answer or care.. And the Live chat is to busy in Norway..

Anyone here who cares?

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Not fake but you have to play in the current Bingo room.

Today it is : The Arena, buy\play exaple 1 bord for 3 continued rounds, starting abaout 5 minutes average, then you are in ;)

In Norwegian: Foregår i rommet : The Arena i dag. Du må kjøpe minst 1 brikke pr. omgang, i 3 runder.

Then maybe Santa trow 50NOK after you....was there earlyer...bad Santa there lol....

FYI: The rooms change evry day.

Nothing is impossible, the impossible only take some time.
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Like @Zipfil mentioned you need to player 3 consecutive games in the room where the cash drop is. I don't want to discuss your activity on the public forum but please make sure that you do that in order to take part in the campaign (general campaign info in Norwegian here). On a general note, there is no value for Unibet to create fake campaigns and we truly try to come up with good concepts that many players will enjoy.

You will see which room that is active for the cash drop by checking the rotating room image (see below). If you click on the room that is not active, there is a Christmas giftbox that is clickable which will take you to the "right" room. Hope this info helps and good luck!

Kind regards, Fredrik


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Hi @steppek77,

The counter dropping from 3/3 to 2/3 after a game starts would happen if a player has only bought tickets for the three consecutive games.
1st game - 1/3, 2nd game - 2/3, 3rd game - 3/3. 
At this point, the player is qualified for the next drop.
After that drop takes place, if the player hasn't bought tickets to the following game yet, the counter will show 2/3.

Hope this helps.

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