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Everything posted by Jambo88

  1. Nope, I got my bet settled. But I bet on WHEN not WHO. No point in calling someone a troll when you have no insight in my account.
  2. My bet on WHEN only deals with Ap News as the official source :) So I just got the money I won in my account now. Good luck in court with the rest of those who cannot admit a fair defeat. Yes, it was close but he still lost! Just send me a message if you want to bet on the election results being changed, because I can guarantee they won't ;)
  3. Nope. Mine does not. But i bet on WHEN the winner is declated. And I just got the money in my account :)
  4. Well, my bets does not say anything about reasonable doubt :) They simply say that their official source is AP News, and NO other sources will be considered for settling the bet. Please do not turn this into a political debate.
  5. I'm not even going to begin discussing politics and what has happened and not happened during the election. The fact is that Unibet has stated who they have decided to use as their official source (AP News). When this source has declared the winner (which they have done like they always do), Unibet must follow the rules they set for the bet. If they decide to break their own rules and NOT use their official source this will be much worse for Unibet as a bookmaker :)
  6. I assume you both voted and placed your bets on Trump? Since Unibet has stated that their official source is AP news, they have to follow the rules they have set for themselves. The bets does not have anything to do with politics per se, the bet can simply be said to be "When/Who does AP News declare (as) the winner of the election?
  7. The question is not when every US citizen agrees that a new president has been selected, or when the sore loser decides to admit defeat. It is simply when the official source that Unibet has selected before the election has decided to declare the winner of the election. That has already happened this afternoon, hence the OPs question.
  8. Well, this is what Unibet says on the betting slip: Official Source: Associated Press https://apnews.com Offer will only be settled after AP declares a winner. No other source will be taken in consideration. All dates on the outcomes are in US Eastern Time (ET).
  9. They said they would settle bets for "when the next president is announced" whenever AP news called it. That happened today. Would assume the same goes for other bets concerning the winner of the election... But neither of my bets have been settled so far...
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