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About cheddarman1

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  1. I've been saving up my bonus points for months to get a 50 euro cash game ticket, the game that I play, and I accidentally redeemed all my points for a 50 euro Hexapro ticket. This is, as you might imagine, quite upsetting. I don't play Hexapro and would never want to play it for that much money. I would really appreciate if somehow this ticket were exchanged to the equivalent cash game ticket. Thank you.
  2. No, I'd still prefer it to be officially looked into.
  3. Well that is one other explanation. Luckily it can be proved either way by those higher up to make a more accurate conclusion. It's worth baring in mind I didn't see them play against each other while I was in this game. If someone went to the effort to change their name to another, you'd think they'd do some battling, especially sitting next to each other.
  4. Perhaps that two accounts in the game have the same name and avatar?
  5. You think you would be smarter if you were cheating but obviously not in this case. This guy has a clear advantage by playing in two seats. I wonder if his winnings will be distributed as well as being banned. 0ca2c04e21c924fa758f7900d126dd25
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