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Group: 72
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Everything posted by taft

  1. access please (was able to join an exchanger, so may already have access, but just in case)
  2. I'm sure you do, and adjusting is a big part of the game obviously and you are right in basically every way, sorry for picking on your hand, I was salty over other stuff elsewhere and took it out on you I'm afraid. I totally agree with you and furthermore, I think you took my random burst of undeserved critisism very well and now I'm a bit embarrassed. :D No hard feelings.
  3. HAhah, that is the funniest thing I've read all day. :D Thank you!
  4. Okay, so you basically waited for that opportunity by calling all his raises pre and folding flop if you didn't hit two pair? Well played  :D Sorry. Good job spotting that he was being predictable, but I have to say poker is the sort of game where agression is often rewarded, and I feel a lot of people on the forum believe you can't (or "don't deserve to" win if your card dead or something but I feel that's not true at all.
  5. I can't see the pot at all, maybe you didn't have many chips beyond their original raise and they had to call you after they tried to steal there? Unfortunate hand for you though.
  6. First day of Winter Bootcamp, and the leader of the board already has 13352 points. How is that even possible :D 400NL is only a 4x multiplier .... so many straight flushes?
  7. 599 :D it's from the minigames mostly though, I went a bit mad playing those with huge bets for a while there
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