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Group: 72
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About centavra

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  1. Playing in UO tournaments does not add points
  2. I don’t feel insulted. I didn’t lose in Unibet, I just won. But I’d be pretty upset if I had a job like this. Ridicule and insult others to prove that the game is not a simulator
  3. There is no RNG, only the scenarios of fun and gambling.And it’s normal RNG is too complicated and expensive for small poker rooms
  4. If you played at a real table, you’d feel different. Morpheus
  5. It’s funny and naive to compare the game to the real, it’s a poker simulation. Scenarios are played depending on your actions. This game is for entertainment!
  6. Like in movies, always the combination, especially when you raise the bet. Works like a poker game for not real money.
  7. Another mistake. 12 players still playing, but who is 8 already defined.
  8. Registration and rebay has been impossible for some time. I did when I noticed that the figure does not change, and not immediately. Цrote several posts and only then did the information change
  9. This is proof not of deception, but of bad software!
  10. Surprisingly appeared after the post)))
  11. In the best traditions of Hollywood. Funny imitation of poker.
  12. I don't ask for money, but I asked if there is such a possibility for tickets or points. There were such cases in the past. Despite the employment you found 1 minute to answer. Unbit is increasingly disappointing
  13. Unibet will always be happy to ignore the players' requests
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